Friday, July 05, 2019

"Europe" and the Definitions Section

In a move symbolic both in the intent of the European Union's imperial ambitions and the fragility of that empire, we have (via Instapundit) this Euro-elite news:

The Monarchist Party of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia has sent a formal request to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic to promote Archduke Karl von Habsburg as the next President of the European Commission.

I have no idea if such a request is even in the realm of possibility. The new EU royalty surely has no interest in the old stock royalty moving in on their own territory. But it sure is symbolic as Heck.

This man understands the difference between geographic and political "Europe":

We [Czechs] underestimated one thing which proved to be crucial. We underestimated that Europe itself has changed – from the historically evolved bundle of sovereign and independent countries to the very authoritative and centralistic empire called European Union. ...

The well-known ratchet effect functions in this field as well as in many others: every treaty or summit takes Europe closer to a centralised European state. This is almost inevitable because the main goal of the European political elites (and their fellow-travellers) is the dislocation of national sovereignty and the overcoming of the nation state. These people consider the sovereign nation-state an obsolete historical anachronism which should be defeated.

As I often say, always check the "definitions" section when discussing an issue. The words may not mean what you think they mean, intended only to fool you. "Europe" as the European Union sees the word is a case in point. "Europe" as a geographic expression where sovereign states are located is a source of allies; political "Europe" is an empire that, with the resources of Europe under its control, will be a foe if not an enemy of America.

This future EU empire may form despite the unrest that is flowing in its wake of "ever closer union," citizens be damned, but when it falls it will do real damage to Europe and the West.

We should not have a foreign policy that seeks to help the EU become the first successful imperial power that controls all of Europe west of Russia.

UPDATE: Europeans who want a politically unified Europe would dump NATO:

[Many] European politicians regard the creation of a European superstate as a welcome and necessary alternative to America’s long-standing global dominance. ...

A renewed attempt by the EU to develop its own defence capabilities could also severely undermine the West’s ability to deal with threats from rogue states such as Iran and North Korea. The most likely outcome from any such initiative would be to persuade Washington to withdraw from the Nato alliance, thereby ending an alliance that has for seven decades proved vital to keeping the peace in Europe and the world beyond.

Trump isn't a threat to NATO. The European Union is a threat to NATO. America should oppose the creation of an EU empire.

UPDATE: And a common European army rather than a collection of national armies, which is the basis of NATO as an alliance of sovereign states, is a major goal for those with imperial ambitions for Brussels.

Remember, this isn't an issue of America leaving NATO. If the European Union builds its own military, it will starve NATO of forces making the alliance worthless as a fighting force. The North Atlantic Treaty would go on, but the military alliance of NATO could not continue if the EU is an imperial state with its own military outside of an atrophied NATO.

UPDATE: And let's have a hearty laugh at the idea of how a stronger EU will strengthen Europe's alliance with America:

The European Union says it is making some progress on its controversial barter-type system to trade with Tehran and get around U.S. sanctions as part of its efforts to keep the Iran nuclear deal alive.

The EU apparatchiki are siding with an aggressive, nuclear weapons-seeking, and violent religious dictatorship over fellow democracy America that helps defend Europe. Because of course they are.