Saturday, February 09, 2019

AOC the Light and the Heat: The Grand Facade So Soon Will Burn Without a Noise

"Contained within the FAQ for the Green New Deal is one of the greatest sentences ever written with the intention of being taken very, very seriously: We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast. I love this sentence so much I want to stand outside its house holding up a boom box blasting Peter Gabriel’s In Your Eyes.”

That comment using a quote from the FAQ that Democrats tried--but failed--to memory hole made my week. Go read Jonah Goldberg.

Or listen to his podcast. I'm way more Trump-tolerant than he is, even though I am sympathetic to his concerns. But that's how I roll. I just don't insist that other people must agree with me to be good people (although obviously it helps). In this age I value serious thought while retaining a sense of humor. Don't let his dog fetish put you off (cats rule!).

For you kids, that video shows how people once carried around their music. And there were much bigger versions, too. Seriously.

Also, that scene is probably why wealthier people today live in gated communities that feature armed responses to such pre-dawn gestures of enduring love to your daughter (not that I'm speaking from personal experience on this issue, of course).

Oh, and here is a good observation about the AOC GLF (Green Leap Forward):

The threat of climate change is so urgent that we can't solve it unless we commit to giving everybody free healthcare, free college, affordable housing, healthy food, well-paying jobs, and provide economic security to those unwilling to work.

Is global warming a crisis or just an excuse to do something the Left would want to do if there is no crisis?

On a more general note, I fully endorse Jonah's (I've been reading him long enough so I don't have to call him Mr. Goldberg, right?) view that conservatives should not celebrate the leftward lurch in the Democratic party. We should want a Democratic party that is closer to the center rather than the one wildly careening left now, while it asks America to hold its beer.

We shouldn't wish for a crazier Democratic party in the belief more people will vote Republican in fear of the alternative. Isn't it healthier for America to have a Democratic party that isn't so bad to endure until the next election if they win rather than one that could do any crazy thing that pops into the fluffier heads of its members? Like battling farting cows with an all-powerful state via the GLF ??

On the bright side, I don't think we'll ever see the House of Representatives pass the GLF to see what is in it because Speaker Pelosi made sure to stack the new Committee to Kill the GLF (tip to Instapundit).

UPDATE. The FAQ that was taken down may not have been the correct one. Although it reflects their direction of thinking, obviously, even if someone with a little more sense said "Let's go easy on the whole cow farts issue for now."

Also, the fact that the GLF is modeled on FDR's New Deal isn't as comforting as AOC thinks. When you insist the government "do something" about a problem it sometimes makes the problem much worse.