Friday, April 09, 2010

Place Your Bets

The Russians say the new nuclear arms control treaty with Russia links our missile defenses (and thus limits them) to offensive limits:

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently stated that “linkage to missile defense is clearly spelled out in the accord and is legally binding.”

We say the treaty does no such thing.

Of course, we didn't exactly deny the Russian charge. What we said is this:

Another senior Obama administration official pointed out that Prikhodko never asserted that there are any “constraints on the development of US missile defense in the treaty,” which is – to the White House -- what’s key.

Ah, well that isn't denying what the Russians said, now is it? That senior official is only saying that the treaty doesn't limit our research and development--which means the Russians are completely accurate if you are talking about our ability to actually deploy missile defenses and actually--you know--defend ouselves from enemy missiles.

Defending ourselves is the key--not designing really cool weapons that we never deploy but are simply stolen via cyber-espionage by our enemies who then build what we created.

This appears to be shameful spinning by the administration. If our administration is so proud of their achievement, why not just spell it out? I hope I'm wrong. I doubt I am.