Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Game Over?

I've figured that the protests in Iran that linger on are too narrowly based on urban students and the Twittering class to bring down the regime.

I did hold out hope that divisions within the ruling elites could keep alive the hope of broadening the protests to the level that they could threaten the current system that entrenches the mullahs.

The divisions within the elites may have been papered over:

JUST over a month after a controversial election split Iran's ruling elite into two openly hostile camps, there are signs that the adversaries may be taking a step back from the brink.

If true, hope for Iran is dead.

Which means our president can dust off engagement and start talking with the regime soon.

Which in turn means Iran will face no obstacle to getting nuclear weapons.

We shall see if that then leads to either an Israeli or even an American strike on Iran's nuclear infrastructure.