Tuesday, July 14, 2009

For Medicinal Purposes Only

Who knew every soldier I knew was a medic? And injured all the time ...

Cut your finger? Hurt your leg? Start swearing. It might lessen the pain.

Researchers from the school of psychology at Britain's Keele University have found swearing can make you feel better as it can have a "pain-lessening effect," according to a study published in the journal NeuroReport.

Clearly, they were all under medication:

My so-called digital camera is a $9.99 model so forgive the quality. The key information is below:

Regular Strength
Cursing Relief

Uses: to diminish pain symptoms if taken immediately after injury.

Active Ingredients: H*lycr*p, G*dd*mn, Sh*t, M*th*rf*ck, S*n*f*b*tch, J*s*sf*ck*ng-Chr*st, Ginseng.

Dosage: As Needed.

Children 12 and under use Darn, Dang, and Shoot.

Children 6 and under use only Spongebob swearing such as Fish Paste and Tartar Sauce.

Warnings: Side effects include disapproving looks and possibly injury if others offended. May be habit forming. Marines may need Extra Strength Damital for complete benefits.

Keep out of reach of children

I wonder if this will be a covered medication under nationalized medicine?

UPDATE: Mad Minerva sends me a friend's depiction of really hard core medication:

That's serious self medication.