Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Listening to Reason

The United States Supreme Court defended the Navy's anti-submarine training:

The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that military training trumps protecting whales in a dispute over the Navy's use of sonar in submarine-hunting exercises off the coast of southern California.

Writing for the majority in the court's first decision of the term, Chief Justice John Roberts said the most serious possible injury to environmental groups would be harm to an unknown number of the marine mammals the groups study.

"In contrast, forcing the Navy to deploy an inadequately trained anti-submarine force jeopardizes the safety of the fleet," the chief justice wrote. He said the overall public interest tips strongly in favor of the Navy.

I am relieved our highest court decided in favor of the Navy.

I am horrified that we had to rely on this last line of defense to keep our defenses intact. What is wrong with our country when this issue is even in question?