Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Standing up Iraqi security forces is important to winning the war in Iraq. It always has been our goal.

And making those security forces an actual defender of the nation rather than a source of coups is a major job to instilling rule of law in Iraq.

So consider the situation in Iraq today. The Iraqis interact with the representatives of the Bush administration and fight alongside mostly Republican American troops. The Iraqis have come to understand that President-elect Obama has no stated interest in "victory" in Iraq and simply wants to get out without being blamed for losing the war.

Yet President Bush will turn over the government to this very different president in 2-1/2 months without struggle and according to our constitution. This is an example we want the Iraqis to absorb.

And the Iraqis will see American forces obeying the new commander in chief and not gathering up forces to storm the White House or interfere with the civilian change in command.

A peaceful transition of power between opposing parties even in the midst of war is a tremendous example to teach our Iraqi friends.

Hey, when you get dealt lemons ...