Thursday, October 09, 2008


The North Koreans are trying to appear scary. The headlines speak of ten missiles being readied for launch. We're supposed to wet our pants imagining nuclear-tipped horror headed our way.

Um, no. I look forward to the destruction of the Kim regime and worry that the Pillsbury Nuke Boy will get atomic weapons, but this test is insulting if the North Koreans intend to scare us:

It would be an unprecedented test if North Korea fired all 10 of the surface-to-ship and ship-to-ship missiles, but intelligence sources quoted by the Chosun Ilbo paper said they thought the North may launch five to seven of them.

These are anti-ship missiles--not long range ballistic missiles.

North Korea is a threat to worry about but this test is no indication of that threat. Seriously, this is nothing but training and propaganda.

The end result is that North Korea has ten fewer anti-ship missiles.

Do the North Koreans actually think this is scary? Man, that's just sad.