Sunday, April 15, 2007

Why They Hate Us

Don't bother me about how the jihadis would stop wanting to behead us and blow us up in large numbers if only we would adjust some particular foreign policy a bit to take their feelings into account.

Case in point in Pakistan:

Minister of Tourism Nilofar Bakhtiar told a parliamentary committee of her fear on Saturday following the Taliban-style edict against her by Islamic clerics at Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, in Islamabad, the Associated Press of Pakistan reported.

The clerics said the hug was "an illegitimate and forbidden act" and "without any doubt, she has committed a great sin."

A "great sin." And lest you think this is a minor thing, a technical ruling that the imams issued with great reluctance and would never enforce, read on:

The mosque's chief cleric, Maulana Abdul Aziz, has threatened to stage suicide attacks if authorities try to raid the mosque.

This is clearly of major importance to the cleric and his supporters. A hug. Just one more reason for the jihadis to hate us.

A hug.

These are the maniacs we are fighting. We cannot reason with them. There is no compromise that is possible with people who think like this. And we cannot surrender enough for our enemies.

The Left likes to say that we shouldn't fight so hard that we "become like the enemy," but the Left never comments on how giving in to the enemy on handling pork products, or being a taxi driver who won't carry liquor, or letting suspicious behavior on an airplane be ignored if the actors are Moslem, are all acts of surrender that will never satisfy those Islamic fascist fanatics who think hugs are sinful.

Surrender enough and we become just like the enemy.