Thursday, May 04, 2006

Pleasure Before Business

My view of Juan Cole's foreign policy insight is not high. When he is used for newspaper article sources, the results won't be pretty.

Luckily, he failed to become the go-to quote guy for the MSM on the war (why, I don't know, but I'll take small favors without too much questioning).

So let me just point to some of the latest in Cole Whomping. The above Hitchens article started the ball rolling.

Then check out his interview on Hugh Hewitt.

And Winds of Change. And again.

And Iowahawk.

And take a ride down memory lane with Jonah Goldberg while we're at it.

Yep ... yep. Good times. Good times ...

So just when is he going to move east and let we who remain make a stab at changing An Arbar back to Ann Arbor? (Ah, who am I kidding? Our city council just voted 10-1 to urge us to end the war in Iraq. [To which I might respond, "Just how much faster do you think we can kill our enemies?!] But at least my city is so far gone that when I go around wearing Army shirts most probably think I'm just being "ironic" or something...)