Saturday, May 06, 2006

Flying Still Not Possible

The other day, I went over to my Ex's house to help Mister with his homework. With that all done, Mister, Lamb, and I were in the basement where Lamb was pretending to be a bird, using the bean bag chair from Hell as a nest. Mister was variously a daddy bird or brother bird.

Lamb asked me to pick her up so she could fly. So I did, holding her parallel to the floor as a walked around. I told her to flap her wings, which she did. So were walking and flapping. Walking and flapping. All nice play. And then she says, Ok, now let go!

I thought I had already covered in great depth how little girls cannot fly. Not with balloons. Not with stuffed birds. Apparently this was another scenario she came up with for heavier-than-air flight. I said, No! Im not letting go! You can't fly without an airplane. She insisted. I held firm.

Hope springs eternal.