Friday, March 10, 2006

Yep. Pretty Much the Same

NPR reported on Friday morning that we would close Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

Abu Ghraib, the NPR reporter helpfully reminded listeners, is the place where prisoners were abused under Saddam and the United States.

Yep, panties on heads is pretty much the same as being fed feet-first into a plastic shredder or any of the other lovely methods of death and torture meted out under Saddam. All part of the continuum of "abuse" so no need to differentiate.

And no need to mention that abuse under Saddam orders of magnitude greater than ours was rewarded by Saddam because those were of course Saddam's orders; while our fraternity hazing crimes were investigated and the culprits punished because they were contrary to orders and military discipline.

But NPR doesn't see those differences. Nope, all the same the way they look at the world. So naturally the guilt is the same. Sometimes it is disturbing to get a glimpse into the thinking that so easily equates President Bush with Hitler and America with Nazi Germany.

And I ask again, how can we be the only country in the world where the state-funded media is not slavishly pro-administration?