Sunday, May 11, 2014


It's odd, I know, but a public display of Twitter caring as a substitute for action in the case of those jihadi-kidnapped Nigerian girls does no more good for those girls than those 1980s "Free Tibet" bumper stickers did to stop China's ethnic cleansing policies in occupied Tibet.

The War on Terror has always been about defeating murderous jihadi thugs, who actually do wage a war on women--and girls. Now our government has noticed the jihadi group, Boko Haram. Although I suspect they secretly harbor hopes that Tea party groups are responsible.

More good jihadis, please. When you Twitter a king terrorist group, kill him them.

Boko Haram is another reason God gave us JDAMs, don't you think?

UPDATE: Making the hashtag campaign look brilliant:

[Concerned Nigerian] women have threatened to converge in Lagos and other parts of the country and later proceed to Borno State, from where they would walk naked into the forest in search of the students.

That's all kinds of stupid.

Tip to Dalroc, who manages to use the word "penis" more in one post than I have in almost thirteen years of blogging, in linking this episode to feminism rather than stupidity (not that there isn't some overlap). But I'm sure he's not unique in the blogosphere on that count.

UPDATE: Related earlier thoughts but without Twitter.

UPDATE: Victor Hanson (referring to North Korea):

What do we do in the face of 19th-century evil that is unapologetic, has lethal weapons at its disposal, and uses savage rhetoric to goad us? Tweet it to death?

Tweeting as self-esteem ratification can work only so long as the Tweeted doesn't use their real world capabilities to kill us.