Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Win the War for Our Civil Liberties

A lovely story of excessive domestic spying (tip to Instapundit):

The most disturbing thing we’ve uncovered is the scope of domestic intelligence activities taking place today. Domestic spying is now being done by a host of federal agencies (FBI, DOD, DHS, DNI) as well as state and local law enforcement and even private companies. Too often this spying targets political activity and religious practices.

I've been warning about this for years:

I've said it before (noting here a March 2003 post on my original site on the issue) and I'll say it again, our civil liberties depend on destroying our enemies on offense overseas (using military and non-military means) where the Islamists fight us and draw their justification and recruits. Sitting on defense, focusing on homeland defense inside our country just means our civil liberties will erode a little more every time the enemy hits us at home as we ratchet up defenses to cope with the last attack or attempted attack.

Fighting the Islamo-fascists isn't curtailing our civil liberties--failing to defeat them is doing that. I think the article is useful, at least, in pointing out what we are creating here at home as the war drags on.

Fight this war to win--don't fight it not to lose. Because by not losing we are just going to see our government narrow the scope of our freedoms out of fear of being attacked at home.