Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Especially Tired

I read recently that our Special Forces are getting burned out by high deployment rates despite expansion over the last decade. Strategypage fleshes out the reports:

[An] increasing number are leaving the military, despite reenlistment bonuses of up to $150,000. The problem here is overwork. While the number of SOCOM personnel has doubled, the number overseas at any time has quadrupled. Many SOCOM personnel are spending more than half their time overseas, usually in a combat zone. There, Special Forces troops take the lead in intelligence gathering and capturing or killing key terrorists. It's mentally and physically exhausting work. Unlike past wars, these troops can remain in touch with families back home, for better or worse. While it's been a long war, most SOCOM operators realize that it could easily go on for another decade. Thus SOCOM has learned to say "no" more often, otherwise the expansion will go into reverse as many more exhausted operators leave the service.

We have a lot of allies who are willing to quietly send their own special forces to the fight in what Strategypage has called the Special Forces Olympics. I hope we are pressing them to up their contributions to give our guys a break. We need our guys for the Long War, and it takes too long to train them to lose experienced operators to burnout.