Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ah, Nuance!

Supporting strong allies should be a priority of our government.

After we refused to back Britain's claim to the Falklands Islands, Argentina repays our "smart" diplomacy (tip to Instapundit):

Argentina's relations with the U.S. took a sharp turn for the worse Monday as the country continued to hold military equipment it confiscated last week from a U.S. Air Force C-17 transport plane sent as part of a training course for local police.

The Argentinian rulers apparently believe that anti-Americanism--even when directed at Obama's new and improved outreaching America--is smart local politics.

That smarts, all right! If this keeps up, the Obama adminsitration is going to give nuanced foreign policy a bad name.

UPDATE: Are thugs taking advantage of our perceived wimpiness (tip to Instapundit) to target Americans?

If so, there will come a moment when President Obama must respond with force and resolve or lose the confidence of the American people for good.