Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lessons in Civility from the Left

The national media isn't complaining about civility any more, so I guess the left side of the aisle is showing the rest of the country how to dissent with class.

Remember, while civility in politics is certainly a worthy goal, the whole media and left-wing "civility" campaign has been nothing more than an effort to shut up the largely civil Tea Party protests. Now that lefties are doing far, far worse than recent Tea Party protests (though to be fair, no different than the anti-George W. Bush protests that relied on Hitler, chimps, and assassination images for their signs) the media couldn't care less about "civility."

Remember, in the left and media world (but I repeat myself) the debate is over only when the left says it is. Otherwise, the debate continues until they win.

UPDATE: Wow. A newspaper love letter to the protesters painting them as peacefully waiting for the Tea Party thugs to spoil their civility-fest.

UPDATE: Compare and contrast. It never ceases to amaze me that people can claim these jokers are "just reporting the news" rather than being participants in a political battle.