Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Mission Creep

Mohamed ElBaradei is on his way out as the head of the IAEA. And I'd like to be the first to advise him not to let the door hit him in the butt on the way out.

While formally in charge of ensuring that Iran doesn't develop nuclear weapons, ElBaradei seemed more interested in keeping evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons development from reaching the West. His personal mission certainly seems to have evolved from the stated mission on paper.

The man seems consistent to the end:

This is Mohamed ElBaradei’s last year addressing the annual conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

He will not be universally missed. Long chided for being soft on Iran, he goes into this year’s conference amid a diplomatic storm over whether he has deliberately hidden evidence of Iran’s work on a nuclear bomb.

France and Israel have led the charge against Dr ElBaradei, saying that his latest report on Iran’s nuclear programme omitted evidence that the agency had been given about an alleged covert weaponisation plan.

If the UN didn't exist, our enemies would have to invent it. I fear that ElBaradei was only too successful in his quest.

What Hell will result from his actions?