Monday, November 24, 2008

Original Sin

Iran is supporting al Qaeda. We have a letter that indicates Iranian support is continuing:

The letter, which was signed by Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's second in command, was written after the American embassy in Yemen was attacked by simultaneous suicide car bombs in September.

Western security officials said the missive thanked the leadership of Iran's Revolutionary Guards for providing assistance to al-Qaeda to set up its terrorist network in Yemen, which has suffered ten al-Qaeda-related terror attacks in the past year, including two bomb attacks against the American embassy.

In the letter al-Qaeda's leadership pays tribute to Iran's generosity, stating that without its "monetary and infrastructure assistance" it would have not been possible for the group to carry out the terror attacks. It also thanked Iran for having the "vision" to help the terror organisation establish new bases in Yemen after al-Qaeda was forced to abandon much of its terrorist infrastructure in Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

There has been intense speculation about the level of Iranian support for al-Qaeda since the 9/11 Commission report into al-Qaeda's terror attacks against the U.S. in 2001 concluded that Iran had provided safe passage for many of the 9/11 hijackers travelling between Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia prior to the attacks.

Scores of senior al Qaeda activists - including Saad bin Laden - sought sanctuary in Iran following the overthrow of the Taliban, and have remained in Tehran ever since. The activities of Saad bin Laden, 29, have been a source of Western concern despite Tehran's assurances that he is under official confinement.

When our Left has spent so much time denying we had any reason to fight Saddam's Iraq (because Saddam didn't directly help with the 9/11 attacks) and refusing to recognize the al Qaeda invasion of Iraq after the liberation, how will our Left wiggle out of their logic that would argue that we have every reason to target Iran?

I'm kidding when I write that. Our Left will manage just fine. Our Left refused to ever admit that Iran supports our enemies inside Iraq who kill Americans.

Heck, the Code Pink Hags are already in Iran pledging their support for the feminist-friendly progressives in Tehran!