Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lacking Only Baffin Island Gulags

If you thought the Mark Steyn acquittal meant that the human rights commission outrage in Canada was reversed, halted, or even slowed down a bit, guess again:

Canada’s taxpayer-supported “human rights” apparatchiks have decided that it is not yet time to directly challenge freedom of the press. They will bide their time, and return to the routine business of staging quasi-legal proceedings against defenceless victims (the sort who have no resources for lawyers, and no access to media publicity), until they have acquired more power.

That power is on the way. For instance, Dalton McGuinty’s government has recently committed many millions to a huge expansion of the Ontario kangaroo-court system, opening new star chamber facilities across the province, and providing a fresh supply of publicly-funded lawyers and activists to assist the enemies of freedom in making their prosecutions. The argument behind all such “public investments” is the same: that complainants need a “resolution process” that is less “formal” than the one in our legitimate court system. In other words, they need kangaroo courts in which their victims are stripped of due process.

It's like watching a slow-motion suicide as a major Western country just gives up on freedom.

Will nobody in Canada say "enough"?