Sunday, May 13, 2007

Congress Wants to Win One War

Congress may be faint-hearted when it comes to winning the war they declared in Iraq, but they surely have the stomach to wage war on Colombia in support of Leftist terrorists there who are perceived as 1960s-era freedom fighters:

If Colombia thought that frozen American military aid was where it would end, they guessed wrong. U.S. Congressional leaders have all but declared war on Colombia's war on FARC and ELN. In a very real sense, victories won in Colombia are going to be undone in the halls of the United States Congress.

We'll ignore the fact that 1960s-era insurgents were scum, but this generation in Congress is on an extended 1960s flash back.

So this war is one Congress will wage with resolve and real hatred for their declared enemy--the Colombian govenrment. Our Congress under the loyal opposition is always harder on our friends than our enemies. I thought foreign policy realists weren't supposed to care about anything other than a country being a declared ally. It almost seems like these Neo-Realists are simply about opposing their own country.

We need to get allies to step in with aid immune to Congressional idiocy so that our progress in winning in Colombia is not reversed.