Saturday, March 12, 2005

Assisted Suicide

The Dutch have contributed to the Iraq stabilization force and have been a good friend in the war, contributing even though their military is small. Perhaps memories of empire and surviving with large predators all around them over the centuries have given them the inclination to punch above their weight.

The Netherlands may be about to contribute greatly to Western civilization.

I am not a fan of the EU. Once, when we needed some institution to organize the Western Europeans to contribute to the defense of Europe against the Soviets, this made sense. Now, unification will only entrench an anti-Americanism that will nullify the resources of the continent in the defense of the West. Newly Western countries like Japan, South Korea, and perhaps India may make this loss tolerable, but I'd rather deal with individual countries that are willing to do their part--like The Netherlands--rather than a French-inspired Euro hostility that keeps even our friends from stepping up to our side.

So this news (via NRO) is outstanding:

The Netherlands, one of the six founding members of the European Union and currently holder of the EU presidency, has always taken pride in being a good European, scoring higher than any other country, apart from Luxembourg, in terms of public support for the EU. It is proud to have hosted the Treaty of Maastricht, which created the last great European project, the single currency. But now, in an extraordinary about-turn, the Netherlands may scupper the next great EU project, the European constitution.

The Government has announced that a referendum on the constitution will take place on June 1. It will be the first time that Dutch citizens are asked what they think of the EU.

While international attention has been focused on the French referendum, just three days earlier on May 29, the Dutch are far more likely to slam on the brakes of the constitutional juggernaut. Polls in France still show a majority in favour of the constitution, but the Government in The Hague has been shocked to find that a majority of its citizens are opposed, and by no small margin.

A recent poll was telling. It showed that 42 per cent of Dutch would choose to vote “no”, against 28 per cent who plan to vote “yes”. The Netherlands is the only founding member of the EU in which opinion polls suggest that the constitution will be rejected.

May this eruption of sanity spread to other countries and truly scuttle political union. The defense of the West can live with some countries of Europe walking away from our duty to defend our liberties and way of life, but I'd rather not have to fight without any of the Europeans. Lord, even the Brits will be absorbed into the Brussels blob of inaction.

Remember, Europe will eventually fight Islamism. It all depends on whether they fight it in its lair or in the slums of Europe one day.

Reject the EU constitution! Please. It's a mercy killing, really.