Friday, November 10, 2023

The Building Block for Rapid Expansion of the Navy

Firing any missile we have from any platform we have is coming. Maybe we'll be able to match the Chinese navy in numbers, after all.

The Navy fired a SM-6 missile from a MK 70 PDS on the helicopter deck of a Littoral Combat Ship:

The MK 70 PDS is a launcher system for these missiles. The system has four strike-length MK.41 VLS cells housed in a 12 meter (40 ft) container. The MK 70 PDS is produced by Lockheed Martin and was first unveiled in September 2021 following the launch of an SM-6 by the USV Ranger using the system.

Although the system has been primarily tested with the SM-6s, it is compatible with every missile currently integrated into the MK.41 VLS, including the 1,200-mile (1,600 km) range Tomahawk Land Attack Missile and its variants.

One, while they say it could be integrated on the LCS, that's a little late to save the class.

But two, hello modularized auxiliary cruiser!

And there is another:

In the nick of too late to save the LCS: "After several years of delays, the Navy’s mine countermeasures mission package for the Littoral Combat Ship has finally reached its initial operating capability." Well maybe the mission package will fit on small modularized auxiliary cruisers.  

And sure, not literally any missile we have can be fired from the MK 70 PDS system. But every missile used on that VLS system can be fired. Which is good enough.

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.