The thing is, I want a reasonable Democratic Party and not one whose insanity makes it easier to generate anger against them for the elections: "Biden and the Democrats have been caught once again failing to appreciate why they were sent to Washington, D.C. They underestimated just how toxic their intersection with the cultural curators would be for them — with those constantly telling voters they are insurrectionists and racists and lying about voting laws in Georgia and Texas and Pennsylvania or smearing them because they don't want idiotic ideas driven into their children's skulls." Tip to Instapundit.
The Russians will have five of their newest SSBNs: "In August, Russia officially marked the beginning of construction on two additional Borei-A-class submarines, with President Vladimir Putin attending their keel-laying ceremony via video." I think Russia needs these to deter China and its growing nuke force. Having ten in service means that perhaps Russia's troubled military can keep two at sea in a protected submarine bastion at all times.
Drugs, a deal with a Devil, war, and the destruction of people.
Well let's hope we escape banana republic status by getting some justice for the damage done to our norms and institutions by the Clinton campaign.My hope is that Democrats who want to be president see this as a chance to knock out Hillary for good.
It justifies federal action if the government worries a foreign power might have compromising material that can be used to bribe a president: "A year after the diary disappeared and was published? Since when is the alleged theft of a woman’s diary a federal crime? Let alone a federal crime that warrants investigation by the FBI?" But I was assured that was why we had to get rid of Trump. Via Instapundit.
To add to our military problems in dealing with great power threats, the pressure for easier basic training of our recruits grows. The drill sergeants don't like it and want out. Which will get troops killed one day and lose a war for us if unchecked. I missed out on the last round of training laxity. I shudder to think of troops who don't get that kind of pressure. Although I did arrive after striking recruits was banned.
You know, the public health profession hasn't covered itself in glory during this pandemic. But it really isn't their fault. They look at the pandemic through their lens. The problem is that government chose to only govern based on that single lens. Government should have taken the views of all experts in all fields to craft government policy. But instead government officials--including Trump, who did not fully defy the credentialed mob--hid behind the one-dimension Science! of incomplete public health policy proposals to avoid doing their job. But public health will be the fall guy rather than government.
I've mentioned in the last data dump the stunning turnaround of Tigray regional forces: "Last November, the news was all about the government’s invasion of the Tigray region by federal forces. When the government claimed victory after capturing the regional capital Mekelle, Tigray was firmly on the ropes and the leadership of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) were being arrested or fleeing into the mountains. By June this year, Tigrayan forces regained control of the region. In doing so the rebels displayed their tenacious streak. But few envisaged what’s happening now." Now the Ethiopian capital is in danger of falling to the regional forces. What was the Ethiopian government thinking? When you strike a king, kill him.
Oh, I believe in American democracy. I just don't believe Democrats are practicing American democracy. What Democrats are practicing is by-any-means-necessary pursuit of power.
Mexico is blaming America for arming their drug cartels. Well, a strong border works both ways. If smuggling from America is truly the root cause. But if Biden responds to Mexico's blame with action, he will no doubt aim at American lawful gun owners. Tip to The Morning Briefing.
It's bad enough Democrats take their climate change policy cues from an addled and troubled teen. Now pandemic policy is being set by a man in a bird suit? Via The Morning Briefing.
Central Asians prefer Russia to China. Which is good for Russia--if Russia can compete with China's money and military power. But is this how locals see Russia's military record in former Soviet republics? "Russia’s shock-and-awe tactics in bringing Ukraine, Georgia, and Chechnya to heel also keep alive the notion that Putin’s vision is a restored regional hegemony over the old Soviet empire." When did Ukraine go from a so-called "hybrid" war that is a brilliant "frozen conflict" to "shock and awe" which promises a short war with massive precision violence and speed of attack? Georgia was "shock and flaw" given the Russian military's poor performance. And Chechnya was just old fashioned "destroy the country in order to save it" brutality. WTF are the authors talking about?
One of the explanations for the computer chip shortage doesn't make sense to me. Why is working from home increasing demand for computers? Didn't those people working in an office use computers? Isn't this just shifting the supply chain from business to home the way that the dual toilet paper supply lines were put out of whack? And if businesses supplied computers for offices, why aren't they supplying them for employee home use? What is going on?
What with the condescending attitude toward African Americans and the promotion of segregatiing them "for their own good" in the institutions the left dominates, how isn't this obviously true? "'Critical Race Theory' is best understood as a revived form of slaveowner racial and constitutional thinking." To Hell with these racists and the damage they are inflicting on an America of equality under the law and judging people on the content of their character.
Maybe this will help kill 75% of useless university departments that sell an extended adolescence, a useless credential, woke indoctrination, and a mountain of debt. If they get the credential: "Nearly 40% of those who pursue a college degree do not attain one. We
should let that sink in. Higher education fails 4 in 10 of its
students." Based on university standards, that's a passing 60%! Via Instapundit.
Well let's not abandon Iraq (again) and get even worse results (like we got in Afghanistan): "Iraqi forces remain incapable of operating without U.S. support while Iranian-backed militias who have targeted coalition forces are in a strategic pause, according to a report released by Lead Inspector General for Operation Inherent Resolve. Meanwhile, ISIS remains “entrenched as a low-level insurgency” as the U.S. military ends its combat role in Iraq by Dec. 31 of this year."
Space Force is looking at options for space debris removal: "Industry wants debris removal to be part of a broader on-orbit servicing capability, he added, such as extending the lives of satellites. 'We think companies are going to have to be creative to make this business case close. So active debris is just one use case. We’re hoping to see a lot of creative ideas come from industry on this topic.'" I'm just going to say that if space debris is collected in space, it can certainly be stored and released as an anti-spacecraft minefield.
FFS, why??!! "The German Air Force is preparing to send fighters, tankers and transport aircraft across the world to the Asia-Pacific region in a little less than a year, as its colleagues in the European Union continue to assess how the bloc should increase its involvement in the region." Would the Germans put a little more Goddamn attention on Russia's armed Kaliningrad exclave?
Good for the French: "France showcased its military muscle Monday with a tour of its new frigate Auvergne in the eastern Mediterranean, seeking to underscore what the ship's captain said was the importance that Paris attaches to ensuring security and stability in the region." Make sure Russia's Mediterranean squadron has a short but exciting life if it comes to war. Sure, it's a signal to Turkey. But Russia can read, too.
Russia is probably trying to provoke a Polish armed response that will be followed by Russian ground troops moving to the Polish border to "defend" Belarus from NATO: "Poland accused Belarus of trying to spark a major confrontation on Monday as video clips showed hundreds of migrants walking towards the Polish border and some trying to breach the fence using spades and other implements." Putin already has his own army to do the job. And then the Anschluss will be complete.
Well maybe if Biden treats a nuclear deal with Iran like a treaty instead of a phone and pen agreement of some nebulous quality, this concern can be answered: "Iran said on Monday that the United States should provide guarantees that it will not abandon again Tehran's 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, if talks to revive the agreement succeed." Iran knows that if it pretends not to want nuclear weapons that only Democrats will pretend to agree. But of course, 2/3 of the Senate will never agree to a nuclear treaty with Iran's nutball mullahs. Which is why Obama didn't do that.
What's the controversy (via Instapundit)? "Two Rutgers University faculty groups have come out in support of 'Professor Crunk,' aka Brittney Cooper, who said in a recent interview that 'white people are committed to being villains' and as such 'we gotta take these motherfuckers out.'" Naturally, when national socialist purity is threatened by vermin, you have to exterminate them. And, um, the "context" doesn't help. Professor Crunk seems like such a nice person.
I believe these petty Red Guard tyrants can shove their opinion on this up their woke backsides.
Imagining Chinese attack options against Taiwan. This is my full invasion scenario.
Given that our carriers should not venture within range of Chinese land-based bombers, this might be a good idea: "A recent proposal penned by Navy and Marine Corps personnel for the U.S. Naval Institute breaks down how the Navy could quickly (and cheaply) make its carrier-based fighters into highly capable submarine hunters." Carrier ASW aircraft are a memory now. And with sensors and shooters separated now, who knows?
Reagan was right to try to overthrow him and Democrats were wrong to defend him. The Biden administration at least recognizes this: "What Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, orchestrated today was a pantomime election that was neither free nor fair, and most certainly not democratic."
Another root cause search in the VP's policy portfolio. Tip to Instapundit.
Fink tank: "The indictment of Igor Danchenko exposes additional close advisers to Hillary Clinton who allegedly pushed discredited and salacious allegations in the Steele dossier. However, one of the most interesting new elements was the role of a liberal think tank, the Brookings Institution, in the alleged effort to create a false scandal of collusion [with Russians]." Tip to Instapundit.
Armed and sharing: The Reaper Users Group.
Open regional revolt in Ethiopia undermines its ability to survive, let alone deal with Egyptian concerns about the GERD Nile River dam. But a coup in Sudan undermines Egyptian interests.
Russian military maneuvers near Ukraine are seasonal and routine. Okay. But if Russia wants to invade Ukraine (even more than it has) it could time the attack with these "seasonal" and "routine" maneuvers and movements in order to keep Ukraine and the West lulled into complacency to achieve tactical surprise. Remember, surprise attacks have warnings. But the surprised target somewhere in the chain of command had explanations other than imminent attack to explain the warnings.
Iran's critics seem emboldened. Will Democrats in their strange love of Iran's mullahs ignore the opportunity?
Clearly, Biden's high opinion of himself is the last of his mental faculties to elude him.
Countries grow and process food or sell things so their people can eat. People live in shelter all over the world. Governments raise revenue to operate. All the time. Without international treaties to set targets for these things. If climate change is so dire, wouldn't countries simply do the things that activists say must be done to battle climate change? Stop panicking and advocating self-destructive policies over hypothetical problems many decades in the future. We'll figure things out if it turns out to be a problem. Really.
About those democratic norms and institutions that Democrats claimed only they could defend. Is it just me, or do Democrats do everything they accuse Republicans of plotting to do?
FLASH OVERRIDE from the "Well, Duh" files: "China continues to pursue both aviation and maritime capabilities to counter the United States in the Indo-Pacific region, a Pentagon spokesman said Monday."
Winter is coming for India on their frontier with China.
Gosh, why is trust in our reporter caste so low? "As you may have noticed, they do this with every major news story. COVID-19, inflation, illegal immigration, the supply chain fiasco, Afghanistan, “Russian collusion,” you name it. They lie to you every day, and they sleep soundly every night. Nothing matters as long as they get paid." The story in this case is the Rittenhouse trial. It's almost as if the media wants an acquittal riot so that they have a nice story with suitable video all lined up. Ef the media.
Good. Give countries uncomfortable with relying on China an alternative: "The United States plans to invest in five to 10 large infrastructure projects around the world in January as part of a broader Group of Seven program to counter China's Belt and Road Initiative, a senior U.S. official said on Monday."
Is hanging by the neck until dead an option here? "A metallurgist in Washington state pleaded guilty to fraud Monday after she spent decades faking the results of strength tests on steel that was being used to make U.S. Navy submarines."
The insanity is clear: We're deeply sorry and ashamed about the awful thing that didn't actually happen on our campus. Also, the professor who is not deeply sorry and ashamed about the awful thing that didn't happen is fired. What, I ask again, is their major malfunction?
And when employers don't trust the diplomas and when taxpayers tire of funding this celebration of mediocrity, it will be called racism. Our teaching caste has way too many morons. The 21st century isn't working out as I hoped, to borrow an expression. Tip to Instapundit.
Trust the science? Trust the scientific method. And don't trust every layer of editing that comes between the science and what you read: "Scammers have impersonated researchers to gain access to reputable journals and publish special issues filled with nonsense papers." And now there is pressure for the scientists themselves to spread the rot to the source: "Researchers at the COP26 climate talks this month know well how doubt can be weaponized to delay action — something many COVID-19 scientists have taken too long to appreciate. They point out problematic methods, poor study design and unjustified claims, but their efforts would be much more effective if they first considered a larger strategy: how ‘sciency-ness’ is used to distract from reality and hinder effective policy." Once you know what "reality" is, retconning the science itself to match the truth is a no-brainer, eh? Tips to Instapundit.
I'm reasonably sure a Biden plan to "save" my retirement savings from climate change involves the government seizing my retirement savings. They can't manage our ports. But they'll regulate the climate successfully? Let's go, Brandon.
The Biden administration left behind dozens of family members of American troops during its Afghanistan skedaddle debacle: "A Pentagon memo, revealed by NBC News, tells us the next horrifically bad thing. Family members of United States military members – those who joined the military or moved to the United States and enlisted – were left behind in Afghanistan. Now, the Pentagon is trying to create a database of those left behind." The Pentagon is making a database. Which I have no doubt the State Department will give to the Taliban in the spirit of hoping for Taliban 2.0 tolerance. Tip to Instapundit. Let's go, Brandon.
The Chinese Communist Party believes it can ride through the real estate bubble they are on the cusp of experiencing. Maybe they are right. Or not. But remember, survival of the CCP monopoly on power is the highest goal. As long as the Chinese with guns are willing to shoot the people who would get upset with the party, they will endure.
This was done before but no less significant: "Three weeks ago, commercial satellite photos recently revealed that China had built target images in a Central China missile test area." If these are to test anti-ship ballistic missiles, reviewing how to break the kill chain is in order.
The Department of Defense annual report on Chinese military power.
Good: "Italy has expanded its business of providing training for foreign pilots. The latest effort is the creation of an advanced (Phase 4) fighter pilot training school for Italian and international pilots."
Yes, abandon the fiction that Somalia can be put together as a viable state: "Somaliland has held competitive elections—accompanied by peaceful changes of government—and has a military, constitution, flag, and passport. Its deep-water port of Berbera is being developed by Dubai Ports World and is rapidly gaining capacity." Salvage what we can from theoretical "Somalia" which is not ready for the world stage. Maybe Somaliland eventually expands to encompass more of the territory that is beyond governance. Puntland could be a candidate for similar status and a rival for appealing to the ungoverned sections. Heck, maybe some territory should go to Kenya.
Memory Hole: Biden administration edition.
Even before the Xi Jinping Flu pandemic--which began in Wuhan China, seemingly leaking from a lab there--China's apparent inevitable rise was faltering. I wonder if China's sudden drive to greatly expand its nuclear arsenal is driven by knowing their drive will fall short? Do the Chinese look at weakened Russia and see that the image of a large nuclear arsenal shapes views that Russia is a global power?
Navy resupply drones for forces ashore.
Huh: "The SR-72 is envisioned as an unmanned, hypersonic, reusable reconnaissance, surveillance, and strike aircraft." This time, for sure!
Yes: "San Francisco’s unacceptable crime track record is implicitly a choice that the city has made, ... ." I refuse to feel sorry for them for getting what they vote for. Tip to Instapundit.
Democrats, the media, and their Big Lie. Via Instapundit.
License to kill: "Russia and Turkey have, since 2012, each founded unusual PSCs (Private Security Contractor) or, more accurately PMC (Private Military Contractor) firms. The Turkish and Russian PMCs were unique in that both were started at the behest of national leaders and were, in effect, a special military force serving the national leader." I used to write a lot more about the issue of privatized military activities.
Because it is a day ending in "y": "Israeli army chief of staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi said Tuesday that the Israeli military was “speeding up the operational plans and readiness for dealing with Iran and the nuclear military threat.” In the short term, if it is to be war I think it will be a deep, large ground raid that pushes all the way to Baalbek to rip apart Hezbollah. Israel has more reasons than ever to cripple Iran's proxy in Lebanon. And if Iran responds by going after Israel, then Israel could justify more easily a strike campaign against Iran's nuclear infrastructure.
Ah, Kerry! "The United States and China signed an agreement Wednesday at the U.N. Climate Change Conference that John Kerry called 'a road map for our future collaboration' to lower greenhouse gas emissions." The worst secretary of state in living memory took his skill set to persuade China to agree to parameters for future actions that China will never, ever agree to. While watching America cripple its own economy trying to meet the paper aspirations treated as binding international law.
I noted that a number of Afghan pilots escaped during the fall of Kabul. So good: "U.S.-trained Afghan pilots and other personnel boarded a U.S.-brokered flight out of Tajikistan on Tuesday, ending a nearly three-month detention ordeal that began when they escaped there in their aircraft during the Taliban takeover, Afghan sources said."
Australia will spend more on defense to play a bigger role in Asia and the Pacific, according to their ambassador: "'We want to be more proactive in shaping the environment in our region, because we’ve picked up on the fact that our strategic circumstances have changed and that the challenge for us in the region today is not to sit back and be the passive recipient of whatever may be happening,' Sinodinos said at a Hudson Institute event." As the China threat rises, Australia finds it necessary to up its game to be sponge worthy in a crisis.
This is insane: "'Al-Qaeda continues to have a presence in Afghanistan that we are very concerned about,' [Special Representative for Afghanistan Ambassador Thomas] West said. 'And that is an issue of ongoing concern for [NATO] in our dialog with the Taliban.'" Talking to the Taliban encourages the Taliban to maintain the al Qaeda threat to leverage Western money. It would be far better to punish the Taliban for allowing al Qaeda to use Afghanistan as a sanctuary. God save us from Smart Diplomacy.®
It frustrates me to no end that the Pentagon has a climate change strategy based on the notion that it is a threat that can provoke wars that America might have to fight. To use a technical term, that is "stupid." Poverty provokes war. That's not the military's job to fix. Ethnic hatred provokes war. But the military is not responsible for ending ethnic hatreds. Islamist fundamentalism provokes war. The Pentagon doesn't have the job of rewriting Islamic doctrine. Border disputes provoke war. The Pentagon's job isn't to resolve all border disputes. If climate change is a problem, let somebody else who doesn't have to fight and win our wars put that in their portfolio. Only the Department of Defense has the job to defend our country. Morons. The lot of them.
From a friend:
Your feel-good story of the day: "France is fuming over AUKUS—the new tripartite security arrangement that scuttled its contract to build submarines for Australia—but is receiving scarcely any expressions of sympathy from fellow EU member states. That may be because France itself uses some distinctly tough tactics to secure arms exports, and sells to customers others deem unsavory." LOL.
Indeed: "It was meant to be a swift military operation, but Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's November 2020 offensive in Tigray now threatens to unleash instability across the country, as fears grow of a rebel advance on Addis Ababa." The regional forces may not want to take the capital. But the failure to win is astounding. When you start to take Tigray province, take Tigray province.
If any old-timey segregationists are still around, I'm sure they are kicking themselves for not thinking of calling the back of the bus and separate drinking fountains "minority exclusive spaces." Tip to Instapundit.
So ... when does the record of the Biden administration go from "merely" incompetent to actively undermining America? If the Russians or Chinese were trying to ruin us, what would they do differently? Just asking. Oh, wait. The mind boggles at the thought of stripping the prefix from her title. Via Treacher.
Back to those thrilling days of Benghazi 2012! " On Thursday, the Yemeni media outlet Al-Masdar Online reported
that Houthi jihadis in Yemen, which are backed by the Islamic Republic
of Iran, stormed our embassy in Sana’a, seizing “large quantities of
equipment and materials.” At least no Americans are being held hostage.
But some local Yemenis who work for us aren't so lucky. No worries! We're "working" to get them released. Iran is going back to their greatest hits of the 1970s. Who knew it
was the Houthi's turn already?
Emperor Xi, First of His Name, adds to his glory: "China's ruling Communist Party approved a rare resolution on Thursday elevating President Xi Jinping's status in its history, in a move seen as consolidating his authority and likelihood of securing an unprecedented third leadership term next year." The throne may get hot in his "third term."
Cats care about their owners as much as dogs do. But "care" is too broad. Does "care" mean wanting to know where their owner is to express their loyal love? Or wanting precise targeting data for stalking and eating their owner, just in case the food runs out? Tip to Instapundit.
Prosecution in Rittenhouse case brings in surprise witnesses:
Some Americans think China is destined to rule the world. Don't believe that: "With a clear-eyed recognition of the threat and a coordinated response with allies and partners, the United States can shape the collapse of China just as it did the Soviet Union. " Yes. I don't know if China can pass or hold their lead if they do. And it could go the other way. Once it was conventional wisdom among our elites that the USSR would rule the world. You youngsters may want to check Wikipedia on what the USSR was.
The Biden administration was not eager to condemn Iran: "Proxies of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) sent an exploding drone to assassinate the prime minister of Iraq, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, on Sunday morning, according to reporting by Reuters. Kadhimi survived. The U.S. State Department condemned “this
apparent act of terrorism” but refused to name the perpetrator." That's
because the Democrats have an odd unrequited love for mullah-run Iran.
What can't Iran get away with that kind of tolerance? We need to help Iraq fight Iran inside Iraq.
All Communists Are Bastards (ACAB).
We'll probably be dumb enough to save Taliban-run Afghanistan for Iran and Pakistan, while reducing the burden on Russia and China to pay for supporting their clients and allies: "In Iran diplomats and economists from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, China, and Pakistan met with their Iranian host to discuss the risks of total collapse in Afghanistan and a surge of refugees fleeing the new IEA government."
France at least had a defense sale of surveillance aircraft to South Korea.
As the Biden administration races down the massive spending highway to inflation Hell, the long-warned problem of financing existing debt at higher interest rates raises its ugly head: "For 2026, the interest rate on the
10-year Treasury projects to 2.6 percent versus the current 1.5 percent,
with the interest cost of the debt rising to $524 billion. For 2030,
it's 2.8 percent and $829 billion, respectively." This is a shock to Biden's crew. All their credentials didn't clue them in, I guess. Tip to Instapundit.
I'm hoping for the best for New York City because unlike other Democratic-run cities NYC voters decided to vote for law and order. So once again I hope people get what the voted for. Tip to Instapundit.
exactly is the FBI's major malfunction? Just put on the plumed hat and
officially be the palace guard for a Democratic president, eh?
Unless the FBI is worried foreign governments will have blackmail
material on Biden. But if so, that's something we need to know. Tip to
I'll have what she's drinking. Not that what she did should be more than a personal embarrassment. The punishment should fit the crime, right? But imagine the media reaction if a Republican did that. Tip to Insapundit.
Is Europe reaching out to Taiwan? I hope so. But what we need from Europe is not military power in INDOPACOM; but the capability to defend Europe from Russia and jihadis, and its willingness to once again sell arms to Taiwan.
No! Way! "Most millionaires would receive a tax cut from the Democrats' 'Build Back Better' bill, and many middle-class taxpayers would see a tax increase." Tip to Instapundit.
While likely true, this is highly misleading: "Iran likely did not sanction a recent drone attack on the Iraqi prime minister though it was almost certainly carried out by Shiite militia forces that Tehran has armed and supported, current and former U.S. officials told NBC News." Iran's proxies know damn well what they are supposed to do for Iran.
The Taliban showed off their war trophies: "The Taliban's parade took place in the Kandahar region of Afghanistan and featured U.S. armored Humvees and helicopters, according to Agence France-Presse." Show them off while they can. Because the Taliban can't maintain their arsenal for long.
A (the?) deputy to Ukraine's president said, "Currently, 36 [Russian] battalion tactical groups are in constant readiness nearby our borders, 31 of which are deployed on a permanent basis." I think Russian battalion tactical groups are over-rated and represent Russia making the best of a bad situation.
Our media largely functions as the press office of the Democratic Party: "If you look back at the last few years, the record of errors, small and large, about major stories, is hard to deny. It’s as if the more Donald Trump accused the MSM of being 'fake news' the more assiduously they tried to prove him right." The bias predates Trump by decades. But it certainly has gotten orders of magnitude worse since Trump won the primary contest. To Hell with the media. Do read it all. Tip to Instapundit.
Speaking of systemic bias, hard to disagree:
Sadly true in contemporary America: "There’s always a shortage of people who do useful things. But never a shortage of people who spew useless bullshit."
Turkey and modern tank design.
It would be insane for America to impose sanctions on India under CAATSA for this purchase: "Russia has started supplying India with S-400 air defence missile systems, Russian news agencies reported on Sunday citing Dmitry Shugayev, the head of the Russian military cooperation agency." We want India better able to defend itself against Chinese air power. And we want Russia to irritate China by selling weapons to India. Surely we can't ef up this wet dream, can we? Is Smart Diplomacy® dopey enough to do that?
Russia proclaims its innocence and then helpfully refers to the "defnitions" section for us: "Russia’s deputy U.N. ambassador said Thursday that Moscow will never invade Ukraine unless it is first provoked by its neighbor or someone else, then cited what he called many threats from Ukraine and provocative actions by U.S. warships in the Black Sea." Ah, "provoke" means whatever the Hell the paranoid Russians deem is provocation.#WhyRussiaCan'tHaveNiceThings
Good. If that Thunberg brat is ever happy with these stupid global meetings I'd worry.
Fiona Hill wasn't an impeachment witness. She appears to have been a conspirator who helped fabricate the Trump-Russia collusion narrative. Tar. Feathers.
If anyone is actually conspiring to commit violence over vaccine mandates, prosecute them. But I suspect these were people simply venting frustrations. I have a high level of mistrust of such accusations given our federal government's recent record on BS conspiracies and threats.