Thursday, November 25, 2021

France Steps Up

I've expressed my confidence that local NATO states can handle whatever the Russians do in the Mediterranean Sea. The French bolster my confidence.

The French hosted multinational naval exercises:

Polaris 21, which comes from the French name for the exercise — Préparation Opérationnelle en Lutte Aéromaritime, Résilience, Innovation et Supériorité — also includes a segment on the Atlantic coast of mainland France. The French Army and Navy and partner nations Greece, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States and a NATO element are participating in the drills.

I suppose if you rotate the orientation 90 degrees right, Sardinia and Corsica provide an approximation of Crete and Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, with the Atlantic vessels playing the role of ships in the Black Sea.


Red forces, like say Russian for example, would be headed south or perhaps coming from the east in Syria, while blue forces come in from the west.

French forces in France could simulate Russians from Syria or Turks from the north. Spain could stand in for Greece and Turkey. Sicily would just be NATO forces on Sicily.

Turkey isn't involved in the French exercises. Perhaps because of recent French-Turkish naval tangling. So I suppose if there needs to be a Plan B in the eastern Mediterranean Sea should Turkey go rogue outside of NATO, red forces could be the Turks.

Although I'm hoping recent Russian-Turkish tensions are reminding Turks of their long history of warfare against Russia and why NATO is still a good idea for them.

Still, having a Plan B is good just in case Erdogan gets a relapse of stupid.