Monday, December 02, 2019

China Taunts India

China is taunting India for their dysfunctional defense industry. Is that really wise?


China has weaponized the corruption and inefficiency of the Indian defense procurement bureaucracy and Indian state owned defense industries. This is done by reporting more about these Indian problems. These embarrassing facts are no secret, one need only refer to Indian mass media where stories about epic, tragic and expensive problems are a regular feature. Nothing ever seems to change and China is using that to boost Chinese morale and demoralize the Indians. ...

China also has problems with corruption in the military, but they acknowledge the problem and make serious efforts to address it. Not so much with India. Now the Chinese feel so confident about the situation that are boasting about their military superiority and specifically why India is not competitive and why that is not likely to change.

I'd think that the rule should be that when your enemy is busy with a circular firing squad you don't interrupt them.

But instead the Chinese are taunting India. Won't highlighting India's problem and insulting India finally motivate India to change the dysfunctional defense procurement bureaucracy that China is counting on to continue?

Doesn't the willingness of the Chinese Communist Party to risk India changing course due to this Chinese propaganda effort indicate that China's internal stability isn't what China likes to project to the world?

Does a willingness to conduct a short-term propaganda campaign to score points now but that could boomerang long term indicate that Chinese rulers may not be intrinsically capable of long-term thinking because of their ancient civilization?

UPDATE: Is the Chinese Communist Party--run China weak and unstable?