Saturday, May 18, 2019

War Scare

Don't let the Iran Echo Chamber band reunite for one last gig that will save the Iranian regime.

An aggressive Iran is under pressure at home and abroad, and losing:

Iranian leaders feel pressure on all sides. There are still popular protests against the religious dictatorship and its corrupt ways, and these protests are persisting and increasing. The domestic economic situation is getting worse and the government is calling on Iranians to halt their protests and unite with their hated government to confront the American sanctions. Iranian leaders are comparing the current situation to the 1980s when Iraq attempted to seize Iranian oil fields while Iran was still in the midst of a revolution against its monarchy.

And the nutballs know they are having serious problems.

Yet some people here are panicking over the prospect of war with Iran (or shamelessly claiming for political purposes that we are rushing to war) when there is no need for it--and Trump doesn't want a new war. Why would America push for war when Iran is under pressure without war?

Trump has a point that the hysterical media reports of America being on a path to war could be scaring Iran needlessly. Although that talk of war could be theater that Iran knows not to worry about and intended to save the atrocious Iran nuclear deal:

The antiwar cries [in America] are not about context, and they are certainly not about deterring Iran. Their goal is saving President Obama’s nuclear deal by manipulating Trump into firing Bolton and extending a lifeline to the regime.

Yes, economic sanctions can be seen by the target as no different than military attacks if strong enough, and so make a violent response by the target of the sanctions seem natural. I've mentioned that many times.

But the long-suffering Iranian people seem unlikely to back such a response. An air-naval war would destroy Iran's oil export capacity and reduce Iran's military assets, so Iran is unlikely to start a conventional war. And if they do something that sparks a conflict, the Iranians are unlikely to want the fighting to last very long.

The ongoing war between Iran and America which has lasted more than four decades that remains largely asymmetrical with Iran indirectly killing Americans while America is waging economic and diplomatic warfare on Iran (following the folly of Obama trying to turn Iran under the mullahs into a friendly state) could indeed turn fully hot in both directions.

But if it does go hot if won't be because we decide to do that. It will be because Iran under pressure lashes out when in more lucid moments they'd know it is wiser to endure and hope other factors--like that echo chamber--reduce our economic warfare on Iran.

Maybe we need a probe of collusion between the evil mullah regime in America and certain Americans here. Don't fall for it.

NOTE: I was adding late-breaking news to this post and completely messed it up, quoting one article under a link from one of my own posts, for example. It is fixed now. I think ...

UPDATE: Speaking of getting the band back together:

House Democrats will hear from former CIA Director John Brennan about the situation in Iran, inviting him to speak next week amid heightened concerns over the Trump administration's sudden moves in the region.

A lot of people are acting like agents for mullah-run Iran.

UPDATE: Iran's mullahs and Democrats are singing from the same anti-Bolton song sheet. I'd say it is a case of the enemy of my enemy, but their shared love of the horrible Iran nuclear deal makes it a friendship in that key area.

UPDATE: The British warn the Iranians not to test American resolve; while reassuring the Iranians that America does not want war.

UPDATE: And yes (via Instapundit), the Echo Chamber Band is back together:

A cadre of former top Obama administration figures and their allies in Congress have been working to amplify anti-Trump talking points issued by a senior Iranian regime official in what sources have described as an effort by Obama's pro-Iran echo chamber to drive a wedge between President Donald Trump and his national security team.

As tensions mount between the United States and Iran, leading Democrats have become embroiled in controversy for widely repeating anti-Trump talking points first issued by Iran's hardline regime.

Iran's nutballs may yell "Death to America!" but the mullahs have nothing but warm and fuzzies for the former Obama officials who treated them so generously.