Saturday, March 17, 2012

Out of Reach

The most disturbing part of Osama bin Laden's plot to assassinate President Obama (other than the actual target--I'm sorry, you just don't go taking shots at our president, and I don't care who is president--we reserve the right to say when we've had enough and we do that every four years in November) isn't that someone in the line of succession might have taken over. As long as that plot was post-Speaker Pelosi, the republic would have survived.

What is most disturbing is that Osama bin Laden apparently was completely unmoved by President Obama's Cairo outreach to the Moslem world. Was Osama too busy watching ISI-provided porn on VHS to catch that big event? Was no translation provided for him? Was he not moved by the president's assurance that only a small minority of Moslems are whackjob-level, nonsense-spewing, kooky, murdering, terrorists?

Well, maybe he did realize that last part. So he's got an excuse, I guess.

It's almost like some people are just immune to the soothing balms of hope and change.

Oh well. Osama's dead and fish food now. Tough luck for him.