Monday, November 02, 2009

Never Mind

Apparently, the corruption-ridden Afghan election "fiasco" (as our administration was putting it) is now OK with the Obama administration:

Afghanistan's election commission proclaimed President Hamid Karzai the victor of the country's tumultuous ballot Monday, canceling a planned runoff and ending a political crisis two and a half months after a fraud-marred first round.

The Obama administration — which has been waiting for a government deemed legitimate to emerge in Kabul before announcing whether to deploy tens of thousands more troops — quickly commended the ruling.

"We congratulate President Karzai on his victory in this historic election and look forward to working with him" to support reform and improve security, the U.S. Embassy said in a statement. Britain and the United Nations also issued statements of congratulations.

Perhaps we're fine with it because we no longer hold the central government as the key player in winning the war.