Thursday, May 07, 2009

Georgia on Their Mind

The contrast between our yawns over Russia's forays into the Western Hemisphere and Russia's fist-pounding fury over our forays into Russia's former empire is amusing:

NATO launched military exercises in former Soviet Georgia on Wednesday after heavy criticism from neighboring Russia and a brief mutiny in the Georgian military.

Russia — which regards NATO as a Cold War relic with intrusive ambitions to expand into former Soviet countries — angrily dismissed Georgian accusations that Tuesday's mutiny was a Moscow-engineered coup attempt.

The Russians really are clueless that Russian aggression is what drives her former republics to seek security in NATO from their predatory threats. And Russia's fury over a distant and tiny country is just bizarre.

But whatever Russia is up to, NATO forces are in Georgia and will start small-scale maneuvers some time after May 11.

Hopefully we'll spend our summers in Georgia with lots of small NATO exercises to keep the Russians at bay lest they try for round two.

And the Georgians had best make sure their armored units are loyal and ready to resist the Russians.