Thursday, October 05, 2006

Taiwan Can Fail Only Once

Due to internal Taiwanese bickering over actually defending themselves against Chinese attack, the F-16 sale to Taiwan has fallen through.

It is absolutely amazing how free people can fail to see threats to their very existence and refuse to take the necessary steps to preserve their freedom, prosperity, and even lives.

Not that we in America can boast too much about a bare majority willing to fight the current war, but at least we are--as of this posting date--still doing it. And if we fail, we can recover at least, given time.

If Taiwan fails, they will become just another province under the heel of Peking, and the Taiwanese can kiss their recent prosperity and freedom goodbye.

I will say, if the worst happens, it will be a fascinating topic for graduate students for years to come about how people used democracy to prevent the effective defense of their nation.

Damn shame. They seem like such nice people.