Monday, October 02, 2006

The Joys of a Law Enforcement Approach to War

Remember the September 2001 Anthrax attacks?

Well, it could have been anybody since the spores were not weaponized and so not in fact indicative of American professionals at work:

What was initially described as a near-military-grade biological weapon was ultimately found to have had a more ordinary pedigree, containing no additives and no signs of special processing to make the anthrax bacteria more deadly, law enforcement officials confirmed. In addition, the strain of anthrax used in the attacks has turned out to be more common than was initially believed, the officials said.

So it may have been another act of war on us by freelancing haters.

I think we have a better chance of killing the enemy that did this simply in the course of killing jihadis than we have of "solving" the so-called crime.

Five years and this is just coming out in the press? Amazing. If we hadn't gone to war with the Taliban in 2001, I'm sure we'd be reading about new evidence that might conclusively tie bin Laden to the 9/11 attacks.