Friday, October 06, 2006


A number of the Left like to say who can blame Iran and North Korea for wanting nuclear weapons when they have to fear they could be on the receiving end of a George W. Bush invasion.

Well, the Chinese report that North Korea started their current round in 1994.

And the Iranians seem to have started in 1988.

Sadly for the conventional Left wisdom that the current administration is at fault for their desire for nuclear weapons, these time line beginnings do not include the current administration.

There is one nuclear development that does include the current administration. That would be Libya, which gave up its nuclear program after Saddam was pulled from his hole.

I still want to know why Libya gave up their nukes rather than accelerate their programs. Because if the conventional Left wisdom is correct, Libya should have naturally wanted nukes to prevent themselves from being on the receiving end of a George W. Bush invasion.

Perhaps the desire of nuts to get nukes isn't our fault, eh?