Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Well, Now This Is Just Plain Annoying

The Axis of El Vil is alive and kicking with Castro barely alive and Hugo enthusiastically kicking:

Castro and Chavez are united by what they call a crusade against U.S. dominance of Latin America and unbridled capitalism that is driving the world to ruin. A personal connection feeds their ideological closeness.

Personally, I think that Hugo just hangs around Fidel to make sure he knows when Castro finally kicks off for the afterlife. I don't imagine the egotistical Hugo enjoys playing second fiddle to that walking corpse Castro. He wants the mantle of Pain in the Ass to the Gringos and the official medallion that goes with it. It is engraved "Jeffe," I think.

It isn't as if we don't have better things to do than put up with that oil-rich clown Hugo.

But we've got jihadis to kill. Business before pleasure, as the saying goes. Hopefully Hugo will anger Venezuelans faster than he can cause problems in the region and for us.