Sunday, February 12, 2006

Why God Gave Us JDAMS: Pt. 7

Carryining water for Iran's mullahs, Axis of El Vil charter member Hugo Chavez runs interference for his masters in Tehran:

Chavez, a sharp critic of the U.S.-led war in Iraq, gave no evidence for his allegations. Chavez frequently refers to Bush as "Mr. Danger" and has accused him of being "the greatest terrorist in the world."

"He thinks of himself as the owner of the world and now they are making plans to invade Iran, and plans against Venezuela too," Chavez said in a televised speech.

Standard stuff. But was this his best shot? I mean, really, "Mr. Danger?" This doesn't even rise up to Cindy Sheehan's low standards of rhetorical quality. Did she teach him nothing when she came a callin' recently?

Hugo Chavez was told by his Iranian mullah-masters to jump, but unfortunately he failed to ask how high. That was really over the top. Are his supporters really impressed with this level of 2nd grade insulting?

But Hugo did have one pearl of wisdom, though he intended to apply to Britain's Prime Minister Blair:

"He's the madman's unconditional and subordinate ally, and now he also came out shooting against us."

What's that called? Projection?