Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Somebody is Reality-Challenged

President Obama blames Fox News for his woes with white males:

President Barack Obama blamed Fox News for his political woes in a private meeting with labor leaders in 2010, saying he was “losing white males” who tune into the cable outlet and “hear Obama is a Muslim 24/7,” according to journalist David Corn’s new book, “Showdown.”

Well, according to Corn. So make of it what you will, I suppose.

Yet we also hear that al Qaeda hates Fox News, too--uniquely among the American networks--and that Osama bin Laden wanted to kill President Obama (and General Petraeus).

I'm just a simple, unfrozen caveman-blogger, so perhaps I'm just too frightened by the whole media scene to appreciate the nuance of it all. But if Fox is spewing "Obama is a Muslim 24/7" might not al Qaeda have a good thought or two for our president?

Of course, one man was isolated in a bubble created by adoring followers whose religious fervor for him and his goals twisted his grasp of reality, and unduly concerned with his image on TV. The other died in Abbottabad at the hands of SEAL Team 6, of course.

Tip to Instapundit for both articles.