Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Good Grief, Get a Room

In the history of brown-nosing your boss, I don't think we've seen a level of nasal penetration this deep in 500 years:

Vice President Joe Biden on Monday lauded President Obama for his leadership in the mission to take out Osama bin Laden last May, telling donors at a New Jersey fundraiser that you could not find a "more audacious plan" if you went back in history 500 years.

The president did a good thing in ordering the mission. But please.

Seriously, President Obama should muzzle their man lest it give al Qaeda ideas that their grand plot to destroy America by elevating Biden to the big chair really does have merit.

UPDATE: Lest you think I'm horribly biased against the vice president, he made a drinking joke here. Get your mind out of the gutter.