Open Europe emails about an
online role-playing game paid for by the European Union which allows you to step into the fascinating world of the EU bureaucracy.
My character, Claude, is already a Level 8 Rulemaker; Level 9 Insufferable; Level 12 Entitlement; and Level 20 Pay--with a personal staff of 28, already!
I make Bribery saving throws of 7, so I have a way to go on that. But my Red Tape Level is 15, so
nothing happens in my subcommittee without my say so!
The wonders of
Citzalia await you!
- Regulate the cheeses!
- Raise the VAT!
- Condemn Israel!
- Debate the European-wide common yogurt policy!
- Assign the 3rd Junior Drafting Assistant to the Senior Administrative Assistant to take a memo to the Subcommittee Chair on Workplace Safety to approve your bill on Stapler Safety Standards for consideration by the full Committee on Labor and Soft Cheeses!
- Take all of August off for vacation!
They really do live in their own little world, don't they?
Mad Minerva fell asleep while reading the Citzalia site.