Friday, August 20, 2010

Who's Phobic Now?

No, America is not "Islamophobic."

America is "jihadophobic," if you want to use that silly suffix for the purpose of describing our war on Islamo-fascists. But with no "backlash" against Moslems here in America and given that so many Moslems are fighting with our troops and government institutions against the jihadis that target Moslems more than Americans, one would think that a leading magazine such as Time would have difficulty propping up the withered, dead husk of so-called Islamophobia that they see every time some American is so much as rude toward Islamo-fascists or their ideology.

If wanting to fight jihadis is Islamophobic, according to the Left, doesn't that mean that the Left itself considers all of Islam equivalent to the ideology of the jihadis? If attacking jihadis is really attacking all of Islam, how else can you explain that logic of Time magazine and their ilk?

It seems to me that our Left is Islamophobic considering their inability to distinguish between jihadis and Islam in general. I see no problem in simultaneously wanting to kill jihadis and their ideology and my belief that we can work with Islam in general to achieve that goal.

These are sad days, indeed, when a knuckle-dragger like myself has more nuance than the progressives who would banish all the wrong phobias from our society.