Saturday, May 09, 2009

All Better Now!

I mentioned that we'd try al Qaeda terrorists after superficial changes that the administration would portray as major improvement over the awful procedures of Bush.


The Obama commissions will be, in every material way, exactly the same as the Bush Commissions: they will allow the trial of terrorism suspects in a setting that favors the government and protects classified information, and they will be criticized — perhaps not quite as sharply, but sharply — by the same hard Lefties that Obama and Holder were courting during the campaign. ...

The Obama campaign slandered the commissions, just like it slandered Gitmo, military detention, coercive interrogations, the state secrets doctrine, extraordinary rendition, and aggressive national-security surveillance. Gitmo is still open (and Obama and Holder now admit it's a first-rate facility), we are still detaining captives (except when Obama releases dangerous terrorists), the Obama Justice Department has endorsed the Bush legal analysis of torture law in federal court, and Obama has endorsed state secrets, extraordinary rendition, and national-security surveillance (and the Bush stance on surveillance has since been reaffirmed by the federal court created to rule on such issues).

Do these people ever get called on their hypocrisy?

Well, not likely. Not by our media.

But I'll be grateful that the administration is carrying on the Bush legacy on this matter.

And at some point, enough of the media will get tired of just picking up their cash on the dresser on the way out of the hotel room to actually report on this administration.