Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Good War. Bad Location

Wretchard writes about the problems we are having with our supply line to Afghanistan through Pakistan.

I wrote last month:

I have repeatedly expressed my concerns about committing too many forces to Afghanistan. I would much rather achieve our goals imperfectly with fewer troops than risk the loss of our forces if they are cut off from supplies.

In November I reported on the supply issue and how our reliance on Pakistan for supplies is a problem that keeps us from pressuring Pakistan too much.

And NATO issues are complicated by the alternative line of supply through Russia.

Once we complete the developing victory in Iraq, I would dearly love to be able to focus on the Taliban Campaign that now spans the Afghan-Pakistan border and threatens Pakistan as much as it threatens Afghanistan. Given the failures of al Qaeda and the jihad elsewhere in the world after the Moslem world saw al Qaeda get their butts kicked in Iraq, I would truly like to wage the last jihad against al Qaeda in their Pakistan sancturaries.

But until we have a secure supply line into Afghanistan, say through a friendly Iran, as I noted nearly two years ago, there is no way we can afford to risk a large army fighting the "good" war against al Qaeda in that part of the world.

But you aren't foolish enough to accept military advice from our Left, are you?

I didn't think so.