Saturday, September 16, 2006

Highly Selective

It really does still astound me that a Senate Committee could conclude that Iraq had no connections with al Qaeda. I mean, this connection was assumed during the Clinton administration. How can that go down the memory hole? How can the Senate Committee claim to have looked at the evidence when they ignore what is out there?

Read the Weekly Standard piece. It explains just how bad the report is. It starts out with the basics:

According to a report released September 8 by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Saddam Hussein "was resistant to cooperating with al Qaeda or any other Islamist groups." It's an odd claim. Saddam Hussein's regime has a long and well-documented history of cooperating with Islamists, including al Qaeda and its affiliates.

But really, Saddam said he had nothing against America and didn't consider us his enemy. The committee took him at his word. Really.

Read the rest. I guess I'm just happy the committee didn't allocate earmarks to fund al Qaeda.

Nobody is saying Saddam directed 9/11 or had a hand in it. But to deny Saddam's cooperation with al Qaeda and terrorists in general is beyond blind stupidity.

Ah, the United States Senate. So full of themselves yet so full of it.

World's greatest debilitated body, no doubt.