Friday, April 21, 2006


Jihadis like to say they have more warriors willing to die in a war with the West than we can count on. Therefore, they have the advantage in war. Not so fast Sparky.

Like I've said, this view mistakes willingness to die for our society with the ability to kill its enemies. Given our military prowess, we have more than enough young men and women willing to die for our society--and more importantly, they won't actually have to do very much dying even as they slaughter our enemies.

And it gets worse for the asshats of Jihadworld. Robots are joining our troops in the field:

If the troops had as many combat robots as they wanted, about ten percent of the "troops" would be robots. That percentage will increase as the robots become more capable.

The war is propelling this change along at a fast clip. Increasingly, we will deploy robots that find and kill our enemies alongside our troops. So our enemies will get to become martyrs to their cause and we won't have to write so many letters home about our dead soldiers.

Kill 'em all, let MARCBOT sort them out. Win-win, eh?