Sunday, April 23, 2006

Just Ordinary Politics at Work

Iraq the Model is blogging the formation of a new Iraqi government.

The press doesn't seem to care since no dead blonde women are involved. But isn't the progress in Iraq an amazing thing despite enemy attacks? Really. We're at the point where a four-month deadlock did not result in the troops being called out of their barracks to settle the matter. Parties and factions wrangled and made deals. You'd think it was a democracy or something!

Despite the press focus on death and destruction, the metrics of success were passing by our press in plain sight without our journalism school-educated reporters catching on. Voting, governmental formation, and security forces training and deployment have all moved forward as the real metrics of success.

We are winning, people. Have the patience to let the Iraqi people succeed. We must not abandon them on the cusp of victory. They have a long way to go, to be sure; but they've built much already with our help.