Wednesday, February 08, 2006

To Their Death

I still don't understand why some think we should negotiate with our enemies.

Our enemy just isn't interested in negotiating. Killing Jews is really just the beginning of the madness. They harbor grudges about losing Spain and the Crusades, and manage to blame America for all of it. And their god wills every bit of it:

This sense of God-given entitlement does present some serious problems when it comes to counter-terrorism. What it comes down to is that the people that are most dangerous to you, do not even acknowledge your right to exist. Moreover, this is a position that has divine approval. No argument is possible. What to do? Military commanders who are closest to this, especially in Iraq, take advantage of another Islamic radical favorite; dying for the cause and going straight to paradise. Thus U.S. Marines advertise themselves as the “Jehadi Travel Agency,” and capable of quickly dispatching holy warriors to paradise. While this might seem crude, it is perfectly in line with what Islamic radicals believe and preach. To these fanatics, it’s a fight to the death, and no quarter is given, or expected. That said, the Islamic radicals also advise their followers to take advantage of enemy weaknesses. Thus if the infidels try to “understand you,” use that to assist Islamic holy warriors in destroying, or
taking advantage of, the clueless unbeliever.

So get a clue, people. This is a battle to the death. Let's make sure it is to their death. And if it makes you feel better, our enemies really want to go on to a better life in paradise. In the end, we are being culturally sensitive to dispatch them to their after-life.