Monday, June 02, 2014

Wow, Susan Rice Really Will Say Anything

National Security Advisor Susan Rice really will go in front of cameras and say anything she's told, won't she?

Bowe Bergdahl increasingly looks like a deserter who indirectly caused the deaths of half a dozen American soldiers who searched for him. How we don't court martial him is beyond me.

Under the circumstances, this is just an astounding statement (again) from Susan Rice about that Bergdahl:

He served the United States with honor and distinction.

Yeah. Benedict Arnold served America with honor and distinction--right up to a certain point. No?

I can hardly wait to hear Ms. Rice explain that Bergdahl's desertion was caused by some lousy anti-Islam Internet video.

Really, one more such appearance and Ms. Rice will rival Andrei Gromyko in loyalty and obedience.

UPDATE: Related thoughts.

And remember, when Bergdahl apparently walked into Taliban captivity of his own free will, he turned against a war that was still the "good war" that President Obama was in the process of escalating for the first of two escalations under his command.