Thursday, August 27, 2009

Try Embedding With the Taliban

I can't believe journalists are officially throwing a hissy fit that our military exercises some discretion over who they allow to embed with our units:

The International Federation of Journalists complained Wednesday that news people covering the war in Afghanistan are being monitored by the U.S. military to see if they are sympathetic to the American cause.

The federation said journalists seeking to travel under the protection of U.S. armed forces in Afghanistan may be screened first by an American public relations firm to see if their coverage portrays the military in a positive light.

We deny that is what we do, but why the heck wouldn't we?

The military's job is to win the war. Journalists can write whatever nonsense they wish, but our military is under no obligation to spend time and possibly blood to put reporters who are prone to writing misleading articles that harm our war effort into our units.

Next plastic turkey issue, please.