
Sunday, February 27, 2022

Weekend Data Dump

The paragraphs in this regarding the Ukraine crisis reflect my speculation and thinking during the week. Which could and will be made obsolete or wrong by events by Sunday evening. They remain as a record of my thinking process during this week. FWIW, of course.

Europe's most heavily armed attention whore got some attention: "President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed in principle to a summit to discuss the situation in Ukraine, the White House said Sunday, but only as long as Russia does not invade its neighbor."

Democracy dies in darkness coldness. Canadian journalists are shocked at hostility to them (via Instapundit). Well, the journalists refuse to see how their government bosses criminalized dissent. Can we call them "Not Sees"? I hope we grant sanctuary to Canadians fleeing their new police state.

Russia is flexing in Syria against America? If Russia throws a punch, their forces in Syria face a short but exciting life.

Marine defensive island hopping. But I don't get the "disadvantage of being on the defensive" nonsense.

If Russian forces in jumping off positions on the Ukraine border sit there too long, they will degrade. Russia could rotate them to keep attention on Putin. Moving most to invasion positions may signify full war or the ending of the crisis.

We can't know: "We don’t know the counter-factual of what would have happened if NATO and the EU had not expanded to the east but it is hard to believe that keeping so many states outside of established support structures would have been more stable and mutually beneficial." I suspect Russia would be much further west. The Russians have no limits.

Fake Russian news. You'd think a global Internet would debunk "yellow journalism" crap rather than accelerate it. But it seems like a silly hope, with experience.

Russian elites want war? Well, it is hard to put a price tag on glory and paranoia. If the people suffer while the oligarchs profit, oh well. "Rational" just has to apply to their world view.

Good Lord, Democrats will revive the awful Iran nuclear deal, blinded by their love of Iran's mullahs. It will shield Iran from attack until it has nukes. Funded by ending sanctions. Ah, Smart Diplomacy®.

Russia recognized the Russian-occupied Donbas regions as independent entities. And ordered troops into the region. Ukraine should accept this--except what Ukraine controls--on condition of Russian payment of the past-due rent on the regions and purchase price. This "defense" of their puppets might be Putin's consolation prize for the crisis. Unless it is the first stage of a bigger war.

Trudeau is auditioning Canada for a position in the Axis of Evil, trying to edge out Venezuela for the slot opened by the defeat of Saddam. [Later, on topic. Via The Morning Briefing]

I still have hope that Russia is pushing a Ukraine crisis to the brink in order to get a deal Putin can at least paint as a victory. This will let him pivot east to face China before it is too late.

In theory, dealing with Russia's open occupation of Russian-occupied Donbas and recognition of their independence doesn't require Ukraine's membership in NATO. In theory, the United Nations is supposed to rally to the victim of aggression. Ukraine is a founding member of the U.N., recall.

Whether from being "a joyless spectacle" or disgust with Communist-run China, NBC faced a ratings disaster with the Olympics in China. Good. The only way to stop our media from kneeling before China is to rub their nose in China's odious nature. Tip to Instapundit.

A welcome initiative to make American infantry more effective has apparently led to these pieces of equipment.

Russia is lying about Ukraine "provocations." What a shock.

A California Army National Guard battalion will be put to the test in urban combat. How cute. A battalion is just the opening bid on casualties needed to fight for a "casualty sponge" that a city is. No matter what the intention, urban warfare always comes down to firepower to destroy the city rather than destroy the infantry.

An obvious response to Russia's open occupation of Donbas regions is to end NATO's pledge not to permanently station troops in new NATO members.

Russian troops won't automatically leave Belarus after exercises--now "extended"--are over. What a shock. Is this Ukraine crisis all about openly occupying Belarus and eastern Donbas? Counting on NATO to be relieved that Russia "only" did that? I certainly speculated about that angle (in this data dump, for example). Not a prediction, mind you. Oh, and Russia has higher energy prices. Also, Russia has closed the Sea of Azov for exercises.

Are Russian troops moving into Russian-occupied Donbas from Russia's army, paratroopers, or Putin's own National Guard?

So now we're supposed to wet our pantskies over "Terminator"? Add it to the list of wonder weapons Russia announces that the glorious Russian arms industry produces! Just ... stop.

How long before Putin demands the "return" of Alaska to Holy Mother Russia?

I'll ask again, why aren't "peace loving" Western activists rushing to Ukraine's east to be "human shields" to stop Putin from attacking Ukraine? 

We love Big Bro', eh? 

I still hope Russia will settle for occupying Belarus and eastern Donbas as a glorious bloodless victory that sets the stage for ending Russian hostility toward NATO.

This is just a leftist hit piece on Pompeo. Pompeo isn't  "praising" Putin. He simply said we should respect him as a capable foe. You have to go pretty far down after the headline and first paragraph snippet to get that nuance. This, to use a technical term, is "fake news." Michael Wilner is no journalist. Or rather, sadly typical.

I figured there was a nearly zero chance that Russia would try to conquer Ukraine. A small chance Russia would be satisfied with the eastern Donbas already owned, higher gas prices, and a Belarus garrison. In the middle was the higher chance of smaller or briefer air or ground operations--or even a NATO that cracks and offers real concessions. But I could not predict with certainty. But the big picture is clear:

Amazingly, green activists don't think the media is friendly enough. So they bought some Associated Press "journalists." Ef these people.

I won't visit Canada while Trudeau is in power and while nothing is done to punish those who started Canada down the path to authoritarianism. Punishing someone--without even a trial--for doing something that was legal when they did it is not rule of law.

Can Democrats really object to Putin's troops self-identifying as "peacekeepers"?

A logical response to Putin's aggression is to again push the American energy production, transport, and exploration pedal to the floor. So reversing Biden policies and telling its green backers to bugger off. Lord knows I look forward to that future of Unicorn Fart-generated electricity. But we aren't there.

God help us, but Biden thinks he's got a knack for foreign policy. Tip to Insanity Wrap.

Russia invades Georgia during 2008 Olympics. Russia invaded Ukraine just after 2014 Olympics. Russia takes a shot at Ukraine after Olympics in 2022. One, stop having Olympics as the opening ceremony for aggression. Two, I think China wants Russia to go to war with NATO.

The end of history historian. Question from Treacher: Why didn't Russia invade Ukraine during Trump's presidency?

I think Trudeau has inflicted harsher sanctions on Canadian peaceful protesters than he has on aggressive Russia. 

I hope Ukraine has lots of land mines and the engineers to lay them.

The National Guard will be deployed to contain an American trucker protest in the Washington, D.C. region (via Instapundit). How often can a leftist government count on troops to suppress protests by their full-time civilian neighbors when the government despises those neighbors (and the troops, too)?

It's really about time we had a robust REFORPOL.

Ukraine asked for lend-lease provision of weapons and supplies.

The U.S. ordered a reinforced battalion of 173rd Airborne Brigade to the Baltics plus 20 attack helicopters from Germany. Up to eight F-35s from Germany will go to the Baltic states and Romania(?). That's fine with so much of the Russian army facing Ukraine. Otherwise that is dangerous.

Secretary of State Blinken noted that Russian complaints about NATO as a reason to threaten Ukraine are nullified by Putin's claim that Ukraine isn't entitled to independence from Russia. Oops. Too many Westerners wrongly blame NATO expansion for Russia's aggression. If NATO openly rejected Ukraine, Russia would still believe Ukraine has no right to exist outside of Russian control.

Russia now says its hand puppets in eastern Donbas own all of the Donbas--including land Ukraine still holds.

We really need to think of Ukraine as the front line of NATO Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. Ukraine must defeat Russia. And even if Russia wins, the win must be very expensive. Lest he is tempted the way Stalin was to keep going in 1945.

What will the repercussions be from the Odessa Ottawa Steps? Tip to Instapundit.

China's "little blue ships". Via Instapundit. One day a victim will just sink a bunch of them as a lesson. And dare China to openly retaliate.

A clusterfuck with a UN seat. It would be interesting if a wealthy multinational corporation--or Bill Gates, I suppose--with hired mercenaries took it over to get the UN seat as the price of at least removing the cluster aspect. That would be progress, eh?

The North Korean kooks have lost their power other than (developing) nukes and (corruptable) spooks.

Will the people around Putin worried about him starting a war remove Putin with a Russian-style ".25 amendment"? Don't rule out major repercussions from Russia losing--or winning with difficulty--a war with Ukraine.

Do these ancient ships even work? "Three Russian guided-missile cruisers have been arrayed across the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea to counter three NATO carrier strike groups, causing concern in the Pentagon,[.]" One, this highlights carrier vulnerability. Two, the Russian ships would lead a short but exciting life.

JSTARS are getting a final chance to track Russian tanks in action before they are retired. A new Army plane--ARTEMIS--is getting a work out, too.

Russia uses the media to convey a false sense of Russian military prowess. Indeed. Russia has real power, especially considering geography. But not as much as the image conveys.

I do believe Trump is just expressing concern that Putin is more competent than Biden. Who doubts Putin can think while our meat sack can't beyond ice cream choice? I'm sad about that. But it is hard to avoid. In the big picture we do want to split Russia from China. Although not by throwing Ukraine under the bus. Putin is a bastard and I want body bags flowing back to Moscow. The media twists what Trump says to imply approval of Russian aggression. Which means Trump should decline to comment.

Taiwan will promote democracy (via Instapundit): "As dozens of Confucius Institutes close on college campuses, some may be replaced with Taiwan Centers for Mandarin Learning (TCML)." That's a start.

Taiwan has raised its surveillance alertness because of the Ukraine crisis. Check ammo and double the watch, for sure.

I expect Russian electronic warfare will be effective in war. We'll suck up every electronic signal if there is war. And I'll wonder if Russia revealed everything.

It is certainly possible that Russia plans a repeat of Georgia 2008. Punish the enemy and quickly withdraw to the territory already held at the start of the war. But Russia spent a lot to improve their ramshackle military since then. I bet Putin expects more of it this time.

Russian cyber attacks on Ukraine continue on Wednesday.

If the Russian spy chief is afraid of Putin, that does not bode well for peace. Unless that fear prompts a palace coup.

Preemptive sanctions on Russia was not the right course. Uncertainty of the scope and effect is better to deter. If Russia backed down, it could deny that sanctions affected them. Sanctions before overt attack push Russia to up the ante to save face, no? And let's Russia know what it faces. Which might not be too bad. Which ends uncertainty. And don't expect sanctions to be decisive against a large economy--and worry if they are effective. So I have no complaints about Biden holding off on sanctions.

Gosh, why would Israel be alarmed? Don't ignore everything but Russia. Sanctions should absolutely remain on Iran--an existing and active threat--with no effort to revive the horrible Iran deal.

As of Wednesday the Russians have what they need for a full attack. I guess the troops that moved into Russian-occupied Donbas have resupplied and gotten into their jumping off positions. I'd guess the war starts in earnest tonight. Let's say 9:00 p.m. eastern time in the US just to be needlessly specific. Well, fuck. Is this how Americans felt when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939? I hope I'm wrong. Especially since I've doubted Russia would risk a full invasion. I makes no sense (to me). And I don't want war. But it looks bad unless Putin is fully committed to the bluff and pulls back at the last minute.

Now Ukraine's President Zelensky says Russia will invade

Despite agreeing to give up nukes, could Ukraine have kept hidden and maintained a small number of nuclear weapons, with an eye on Russian treachery and Western unwillingness to fight Russia?

Trudeau cancels the Emergencies Act. No credit for ending his abuse.

Navy electronic warfare systems.

Russian electronic warfare. I expected better.



War in Europe validates my concern of 19 years ago (starting on page 15 in Military Review) about pulling our last Army corps out of Europe. I wanted a lighter corps then as a hedge against Russian revival, among other reasons. Forward elements of V Corps were recently placed in Poland. Now we need armored forces back in Europe before Russia threatens NATO itself.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine surely kills the efforts of Erdogan to seek closer relations with Russia. Turkey will not welcome Russian control of the entire northern shore of the Black Sea. 

The Russian attack began about when I thought it would. This is not a claim of a great prediction. All along I thought Russia wouldn't risk a broad invasion. A smaller attack, sure. But not a full-blown war of conquest. So if that is what Russia is doing, I was wrong (notwithstanding my comments that Putin's rational could be different than mine). But things just felt different starting Monday. I filled my gas tank Tuesday just in case to avoid a spike in prices and a rush to gas stations. But we'll see what the scope and duration of Putin's war is.

Trudeau's willing--and giddy--enforcers in the RCMP.

As NATO (including America, of course) reacts to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there is a risk these days of escalation that didn't exist prior to abandoning Afghanistan.

Things will go wrong with Russia's invasion. This is far larger than Russian actions in Syria, Georgia, and Ukraine the first time. We'll see if things going wrong will be decisive.

It will take time--perhaps months--for Ukraine to organize and expand irregular and insurgent warfare in areas Russia occupies. 

The American secretary of defense pledged to keep shipping Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine.

As I've long wished, the Army seems to be be rebuilding its Goddamn armored cavalry at long last. Can a real armored cavalry regiment be far behind? But a little sense of urgency would be nice given "events."

It would be a huge mistake for Ukraine's President Zelensky to leave Ukraine while Russia is invading. Send a cadre abroad of lower ranking personnel for potential continuity of government purposes should the worst happen. But don't abandon the troops and people resisting Russia.

Good grief. Do you wonder why Lavrov ran rings around Kerry during the Obama era?

The United States is ordering a reinforced armored brigade to Europe. 

If there is any hope of internal Russian elite opposition stopping the invasion, we have to make this war expensive for Russia. Easy victory will suppress dissent. And the fall of Kiev should not mean the fall of Ukraine.

It is true that the defeat of Ukraine--which gave up its nukes in exchange for foreign guarantees of its territorial integrity and independence--will encourage many more states to get nuclear missiles. Tip to Instapundit.

I suspect Biden's decision to lose Afghanistan has affected Putin's decision to invade Ukraine. Perhaps before that defeat Putin would have tried for a smaller win. But that's a guess. Perhaps even a good one. I don't assume that Putin would not have invaded if Trump was president. Putin's paranoia and quest for glory exist apart from American politics. The invasion fault lies on Putin. May he rot in Hell. But seriously, don't argue that America's response is better because Biden is president.

At least this large Russian conventional invasion of Ukraine could end the ridiculous Western swooning over so-called hybrid warfare when it was a result of Russian military weakness.

On the first day, there were brave anti-war protests across Russia. Not that many and they were arrested. Effective resistance would come from oligarchs and their allies inside the government. Make the war difficult for Russia and that might form.

Okay: "'A lot of the talk about economic sanctions is really a pie in the sky because China is now Russia’s banker,' Wilkie said. 'Xi Jinping will back Putin if sanctions from the West come.'" Even if true, I'd rather have China spending money to bolster their broke vassal than have the West do it.

Turkey said the Montreux Convention does not allow Turkey to close the straits to Russian warships if they are returning to their home port in the Black Sea.

It was clear before the war that Russia completed its Anschluss with Belarus. Now that Belarus is enabling the Russian invasion, it must pay a price, too. This is an urgent matter of defending NATO, now, with Russian aggression so evident.

Smart Diplomacy®. FFS. Tip to Treacher.

Russians, to their credit, are out protesting Putin's invasion of Ukraine on the second day of war, too. That is Resistance to your tyrannical government. I do feel sorry for the Russians compelled to go along with Putin's drive to destruction.

Asking for a friend (obviously, people of Russian heritage here shouldn't be blamed for Putin's war. But why are Democrats uniquely able to discount this potential "backlash"? Why the sound of crickets?):

Again, don't blame NATO for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. NATO did not expand east. NATO was invited east--by newly free states that didn't want Russia to return. Putin wants the old USSR border back. He'd want that whether NATO was there, or not. And when you see Putin claiming he had to invade Ukraine to get rid of Nazis, don't pretend Western Europe could have reduced Russian paranoia and expansionism. This is all on Putin.

Holy f*ck, do people suggesting NATO set up a no-fly zone over Ukraine--as if we could do that without logistics and base infrastructure--understand that is essentially an act of war committing NATO warplanes to shoot down Russian planes?

Fascinating collateral damage from Trudeau's war on protesters' bank accounts. The "best and brightest" have no idea how actual humans react to government decisions.

Just fuck the Russian government: "Moscow says its relations with the West were close to a 'point of no return' after several countries imposed sweeping sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine." Yeah, Putin's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has nothing to do with our relations. No, it's "NATO pounces" analysis in action.

America will continue to supply arms to Ukraine, although the means of getting it into Ukraine is uncertain. If I recall, America flew in stuff and Georgian troops in Iraq to Georgia in 2008 with American fighter escorts. I suppose we might do that into western Ukraine just to make a point. Or not, I guess. Depends on how "touchy" we think Putin is.

While this is no defense of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, I will say Russia has thus far been fairly restrained in its use of firepower. You may recall their fires capabilities. Again, no defense of the invasion. But if a country doesn't at least get credit for how they fight regardless of the awfulness of the reason to fight, it might not have incentive to refrain from maximum violence. Or we might find out more later that undermines my effort to be fair on this issue.

I think I saw this sci-fi horror movie. Via Instapundit.

Russian aerial supremacy hasn't stopped Ukraine from using its outnumbered aircraft. I wonder if it is too expensive in fuel and plane maintenance--and risky for simple plane accidents--for Russia to maintain combat air patrols over Ukraine to prevent any Ukrainian use of its air space. Is it cheaper to just accept minor Ukrainian use of the air?

The Russian-Green collusion to undermine fracking in the West. All to keep Russian energy  income and influence strong. From Shellenburger via Instapundit.

Finland and Sweden were worried about Russia before Russia again invaded Ukraine. Russia threatened them for thinking about joining NATO for protection. Nazi governments are everywhere, I guess.

I mentioned this angle of Iraqi arms purchases: "The obvious reason for obtaining weapons from numerous nations is diplomatic. Trade in general does this but weapons acquisition establishes a better relationship with other nations, making it possible to obtain some diplomatic or other assistance when needed" Also, corruption opportunities. Which must be reduced to avoid a repeat of the 2014 security force collapse in a military emergency.

I'll note that while I expected some more narrow military action in Ukraine, I didn't expect a full Russian invasion. That made no sense. I thought the odds of a big invasion or a bluff with non-military gains were smaller but possible outcomes. I struggled with the logic of trying for a full conquest versus the risk of trying for such a big victory. By Monday I thought chances of military action were good enough to prepare a draft of the FLASH OVERRIDE post. Wednesday afternoon I expected military action that night (in American time). So Wednesday night I was able to add an article on war and hit publish. And after a day of war it was still not clear if this was a big invasion or small attacks widely spread out. 

For those wondering about Ukraine calling up men 18-60 to fight, that's not an unusual law. Michigan for example, has the statutory authority to call up men and women 17-60. I assume other states have such laws on the "unorganized militia".

New NATO members in the east sure are relieved they got into the alliance before Russian strength recovered enough to start trying to claw back the empire. Even leaders sympathetic to Putin are shocked and dismayed.

I am dismayed that some analysts say Russia could face an insurrection in Ukraine just as America did in Iraq. The problem with that is that America won that campaign. God help us if Russia does as well as America did.

Well yes, Poland is very important now for American military posture in Europe. That was true in 2008.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues to bolster Russia's standing around the world! "Russia's invasion of Ukraine could mean less bread on the table in Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen and elsewhere in the Arab world where millions already struggle to survive."

Is General Milley reassuring the Russians that he'd let him know if Biden decides to attack Russia? Just wondering.

The way Democrats are accusing Republicans of being pro-Russian for criticizing His Holiness, Joe Biden I on his Russia policies, will any put justifiable blame on Western Greens for crippling Western energy production that plays into Putin's hands? The question was rhetorical, if you wonder.

India is in a difficult position in the Russia-Ukraine War. India sides with the West in general. But India needs Russian weapons to confront China. And India has an interest in flipping Russia away from China as much as America has.

Medals all around!

Putin must surely be shocked at the global outrage over his invasion of Ukraine given the shrugs that followed his invasion in 2014 and after his invasion of Georgia in 2008.

Sweden and Finland "brush off" Russian threats about joining NATO. The threats are why the two countries want to be in NATO.

Meanwhile in the Pacific, the Chinese are upset: "The U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet said the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Ralph Johnson was conducting a 'routine' transit through international waters."

The GAO lists all the ways the Fuck-Up Fairy has crippled the littoral combat ships ability to function. I say salvage them to move Marines around. Unless that is just cruel to the Marines, of course.

Putin's lickspittle Mini-Me, Medvedev, issued threats to the West: "Moscow may respond to Western sanctions by opting out of the last nuclear arms deal with the U.S.," among other things. Is Medvedev sure he wants to end limits on Western nukes?

Good: "Germany has dropped its block on the delivery of German-made lethal weapons to Ukraine via third countries." The Netherlands will be able to send German-made anti-tank rockets to Ukraine. And Germany will directly send anti-air and anti-tank weapons. Wow. Perhaps the Russian clue bat got a solid hit on Germany.

Why so much of our media class can't be trusted to report news. Ernie Pyle might cry at the decent into narcissism.

Release the Kraken crackpots!

First the Canadian government came for your use of pronouns. But Canadians didn't object because they're nice, woke people. Now the government wants all their obediance. I will not vacation in Canada while Trudeau is prime minister and until this bout of tyranny is ripped out of Canada.

Kazakhstan won't send troops to help Putin in Ukraine, despite Russia's recent intervention to save the government there. Well sure, after Ukraine Kazakhstan might be next.

Please tell me we were smart enough to expect China to give Russia the intelligence information. Tip to Instapundit.

A Ukrainian "tank man"? If true, the original 1989 Chinese "tank man" lives on in the spirit of resisting tyranny.

The Russians falsely claimed the U.S. Navy was involved at the Russian attack at Zmiiny Island (Snake, or Serpents Island). If Russian officers or troops believe this lie, the risk of direct American-Russian clashes increase. What is Russia's major malfunction?!

I heard an analyst say that the presence of Russian T-72 tanks, an old design, means Russian armor is obsolete. That is wrong. The Russian army prefers its updated T-72s over newer models. Remember, the American Abrams tank is very old. It was first in service in 1980. But updated, it is still the best tank in the field these days. The T-72 in Russian service is effective. Especially against what Ukraine has.

I wanted Russia to join America in opposing China, which is a threat to both of us. But not at the price of throwing our allies under the bus. Putin's war with Ukraine had wrecked Russia's chance to do that as long as Putin lives. Under Putin, Russia slides further into vassal status under China.

Putin again called on the Ukrainian military to overthrow Zelensky. By justifying military overthrow of a civilian leader, it would be pretty funny, actually, if the Russian military decided Putin is taking Russia on a Viking funeral ride. Putin is upset Kiev still stands free. Perhaps the Russian leadership will decide it doesn't like being blamed for Putin's war for his own glory and follow that suggestion.

The West is taking what seems like limited action to hurt Russia by denying them access to the SWIFT banking network.

Australia will provide Ukraine with lethal aid.

Ukraine is setting up a "foreign legion" for foreign military volunteers. Ukraine already has foreign volunteers. Finland in 1939-1940 attracted Western volunteers. I don't think they made it into battle in time to have an effect.

The British foreign minister said Russia must be stopped in Ukraine before it becomes a direct threat to NATO. That is the logic of Putin's stated objectives.

Germany has vowed to spend 2% of GDP on defense. Good. But this was the 2014 NATO pledge after Putin's first invasion of Ukraine. But it's a start. Also, Germany will build infrastructure to import non-Russian natural gas by sea. Putin's invasion of Ukraine was the clue bat Germany needed. Pray it is not too late.

Will Russia's war on Ukraine with Belarus help inspire the Belarus resistance?

Already, there is some talk of American military intervention in Ukraine. That's what "no fly zone" talk means. I noted in an update to the initial war post that America declared South Korea out of our defense perimeter yet quickly went to war in its defense. Would it have been better to have an ambiguous stance on intervention in Ukraine despite our lack of infrastructure to do so?

France may have lost a submarine sale to Australia, but it is having belated success selling their Rafale fighter abroad.

I heard that the EU will simply pretend it can send member-state military aid to Ukraine despite the lack of authority to do so. Never let a crisis go to waste.

It annoys me that some are claiming an alleged double standard for eastern European states welcoming Ukrainian refugees while refusing Middle East refugees. Ukraine is next door. The Middle East is not. Middle East refugees seeking "refuge" are obliged to seek it in a neighboring state. Once they keep moving they are migrants. There is no legal obligation to accept migrants. Especially since Russia and Turkey were using those migrants as a weapon against Europe.

I'm hardly deep into political talk this last week (and even before that, in general, as opposed to political nees), but I think it is too much for Democrats/media/some Republicans to be talking about Republicans "siding with" Putin. I've heard some Republicans say we shouldn't go to war with Russia over Ukraine. Biden said that. And I've heard some Republicans contrast Biden unfavorably with Putin's leadership. But that about worrying about Biden's ability and not really praising Putin--let alone agreeing with Putin. And while I strongly disagree with Republicans who say we have no interest in what happens to Ukraine (and there aren't those on the Democrat/left side who agree?), that is hardly treason. Or even "almost" treason. I hate to remind people that rallying around the flag in a crisis is not the same as rallying around Biden--as if Democrats rallied around Bush 43 for long after 9/11 before pivoting to "strenuous dissent is the highest form of Patriotism" theory. Let's all remember that Putin is the primary problem. I do. That doesn't mean I pledge loyalty to Biden.

Is Putin's war against Ukraine his "Waterloo"? That is, his downfall? That is just some educated speculation. But I too have wondered during this crisis if the end result of a war gone awry could be Putin strung up by his heels from a lamp post, as Mussolini ended up. Or maybe Russians close to Putin could shoot him and say he died "with" Covid. So sad.

I view Russian nuclear threats a continuation of their routine threats to use nukes, and so basically Putin beating his chest and flinging poo.

Sadly, events made it very easy to mostly avoid domestic politics this week. So yeah, this was a welcome distraction and a reminder this generation didn't invent cleverness: