Monday, December 08, 2014

Behold the Awesome, Awesomosity of the Obama Post-War Planning!

Only an effing idiot goes to war without a plan for the post-war, right? About Libya . . .

When we went to war with Libya more than three years ago, I just assumed the Obama administration post-war plan was freaking awesome.

But Libya is kind of less than freaking awesome:

Libya continues to be divided. There are currently two governments and dozens of major tribal and Islamic terrorists factions that are largely autonomous. The Tripoli and Tobruk governments are far apart and represent different groups. The Tobruk government has international recognition and won the last (this year) national elections. The Tobruk government is backed by many tribal organizations (and their militias) and most of the more secular Libyans (who tend to live in cities or along the coast).

The Tripoli government is backed by groups with more of a religious motivation as well as tribes and cities in the west that feel they deserve to run the country (as they long did under Kaddafi). The Tripoli government does not control all the Islamic terrorist groups that are technically under its command.

Which is odd given how the left put so much emphasis on having a plan for Iraq.

Which George W. Bush had, of course, contrary to Democratic charges--as the New York Times confirmed.

Oh, and we have the dread "blowback" to add to the cost of Libya:

Throughout the Sahel, the semi-desert stretch below the Sahara, various militias and jihadist groups are trading huge amounts of weapons and supplies to each other. This booming terrorist corridor is shaking the foundation of the all too unsteady nations in the region. France is once again fighting Islamists in Mali, while also lending support to a number of its other former colonies in the region. The ruins of the Libyan state have become a convenient arms depot and shelter for militants from many countries; since a re-stabilization of the country looks at best unlikely, it will be so for quite some time.

Nigeria could yet see a caliphate thrive.

Fancy that. Blowback from behind, anyone? And only twelve years ago, we had the early warning of Miss World riots in Nigeria.

Still, our president may think he can get off on a technicality--a time-limited, scope-limited kinetic action is way different than a war.

No actual war and--ergo, ipso facto, voila!--no need for a post-war plan, eh?