Thursday, November 16, 2006

Because of Iraq

Even though jihadis get all the best press and sought-after time slots for their messages of hate and videos of beheadings and what not, moderate Moslems are increasingly resisting according to Strategypage:

The antics of Islamic radicals, and the responses of moderate Moslems, is becoming more widely known in the Moslem world. Even if the mass media tends to ignore these things. As a result, the Islamic radicals are facing a growing threat in their own "homeland." But this is a cycle that has been playing out for centuries. Only historians even recognize it, but we will all be able to observe it this time around.

Good. It is already apparent that Moslem governments are fighting back against the jihadis since the jihadis want the Moslem governments destroyed, too, and with America much harder to strike, the local Moslem rulers will do as targets. It is good that this attitude is in the general population, too. Once, Moslems could draw some strange comfort from jihadis striking Westerners when the violence was mere theater on their television screens. Now the violence is in their neighborhoods and it isn't as fun to watch.

We need to encourage this trend. If we are to help Moslems save their religion from being taken over by the fanatics and keep us from deciding to destroy the Islamic world in self defense, these moderate Moslems must forcefully reject the jihadis. And amazingly enough, this trend has happened despite our war in Iraq.

Heck, some might even crazily argue that fighting the enemy over there has reminded Moslems of the price of supporting jihadi fanatics who hate 99% of Moslems in addition to 100% of infidels!